329Design Brief Scientists cannot deny that the burning of fossil fuels adds to the greenhouse gas emissions in the atmosphere The Industrial Revolution led to humanity burning more fossil fuels than ever before thus the CO2 levels increased to more than a third higher than what they had been for the past couple hundred years Central Climate 3 Based on measures taken on the ground and through satellite it is undeniable that this increase in atmospheric CO2 causes a rise in global temperature increasing ocean temperatures rising sea levels as the warmer air melts glaciers and ice caps changes in vegetation and an increase in cloud cover Furthermore the increase in sea levels causes river flooding and the rising heat causes more evaporation on land and from the oceans thus causing more rain or snow in some areas and more droughts in others The increase in ocean temperatures can also cause major currents to change speed which can affect weather patterns the same is true of wind force and direction Climate Central 5 These temperature changes also affect animals that are accustomed to their environments forcing them to migrate to find the conditions that they have already adapted to Not to mention the oceans will absorb the extra
These events could also include peace rallies in areas of political importance within the state as their website implores its viewers to simply write to important political figures The website lists the most obvious ways for anyone to reduce their carbon footprint such as buying an electric car carpooling etc but perhaps they could also include their own line of sustainable products such as reusable bags or lightbulbs for online viewers to purchase this would make a huge impact for all their viewers who want to make smaller purchases but still make a difference An urban solution made in Roskilde Denmark resides at Rabalder Park a skatepark that doubles as a rainwater collection system The park began as a project by the city's sewage department It was led by a Danish architecture firm Nordarch The canal sends the rainwater into bowl like basins When it stops raining the canal empties quickly practically never impacting skatepark use This park was much needed as climate change increased their rainfall resulting in flooded basements and streets GOOD Magazine An urban solution such as this could be something that the Nature Conservancy could benefit from Bibliography Climate Central Inc Global Weirdness Random House US 2012 Climate Change A first hand experience Monash University www monash edu environmental sustainability news and events latest news climate change a first hand experience Conserving the lands and waters on which all life depends Nature Conservancy Protecting Nature Preserving Life www nature org intc nature tnav logo 10 Designs Fighting The Devastating Effects of Climate Change GOOD Magazine 1 Sept 2015 www good is articles 10 designs climate change DiMento Joseph F and Pamela Doughman Climate change what it means for us our children and our grandchildren The MIT Press 2014 Flannery Tim Atmosphere of Hope Penguin 2016 United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change The Paris Agreement United Nations Climate Change 12 Oct 2017 unfccc int paris_agreement items 9485 php