Essay Example on Direct democracy ensures the representation of the Citizens








Direct democracy ensures the representation of the citizens in all governmental matters This is a very effective type of the government where people can bring about all their worries on governmental level and get them solved through voting Direct democracy is opposite to representative democracy It provides a sort of political ballot to the public where they can put forward their all issues thus providing them with the opportunity to set an agenda and also to vote on the outcome There are 3 distinct types of voting in this system which are referendums citizen initiatives and recalls This system of governing gives more power to the voters rather than the elected people People against this system thinks that not the whole public have a sense of making policies They are not fully aware of the rules and regulations involved But here those people should understand that full fledge knowledge is generally not required in policy making Reliance can be made on some shortcuts or the cues and a perfect decision can be made according to that If the decision still goes wrong then for sure it won't be worse than that made by the so called representative who works only for his own benefit If we suppose that citizens don't know much about law formulation and etc then direct democracy motivates them to get aware of the daily affairs national and international relations etc so that they can make and implement the right policies

As people know that their decisions are going to affect themselves so they go for getting more knowledge on the subject and be aware fully before they make any decision Citizens better known themselves that what is good and bad for them and direct democracy thus provide them with the power to implement the laws and policies made by them One example for this is Switzerland where each and every decision is made through voting Majority always wins there and the country is seen progressing day by day If the public is not able to make policies perfectly or make laws then how can a country run and then progress under this system So people should clear up their minds and see the living example instead of making perceptions just on their own thoughts In a broader view basically direct democracy keeps a check on the politicians and does not allow them to make any decision that is not for the good of public It stops them from making poor policies which are only good in their interests Some people do argue that Direct democracy is merely the instrument of those special interest groups that have enough money to manipulate the political process This is not the fact It's just a misconception of the people In fact direct democracy is expected to make the representatives and the politicians timid and in effective as far as it is compared with any other governing system The three distinct types of vote considered in the system basically gives power to the people to pause anything which is going against them and then reshape it in a way they like and which benefits them the most Here people elected representative or somebody with strong financial background is not going to be given any preference 

Even in this system Referenda can easily devalue role of legislative bodies In Direct democracy there is more government accountability It puts more responsibility on the citizens thus providing more transparency As people know that their opinions will also be considered so they participate more in the governmental issues and matters thus bringing out more improvements in the states system Politicians and government officials have more concerns toward the public problems needs and demands But sometimes there are some worse cases seen from the public sides like it is quoted As the post referendum survey in Ireland shows one of the reasons people voted against the Lisbon Treaty was that some of them saw it as a good way to protest against the government's policies instead of a reason one might expect that they were against the treaty itself So here there is some responsibility on the whole public too They should not just go against government decision without holding any reason Such behavior is going to affect people at the most not the government Apart from all the facts and figures it is also believed that direct democracy provides public with a satisfaction They feel themselves part of the government where their opinions and recommendations really matter to the government Direct democracy brings public to a yes or no state Either they can say yes to a policy or they can simply deny that through voting The voting is open for all not only to those who have strong financial backgrounds there is no restriction to minority race feminism or any other thing of this sort Oligarchy or representative democracy is no way good than democracy I stand in favor to the direct democracy rather than oligarchy or representative democracy The government should be of the people for the people and by the people instead of being off the people far from the people and bye the people Switzerland and Athens stand as an example for this system Their progress rate and peace in the country clarify the all notions against this system Now there does not remain any ambiguities If this system was not good enough it must have been abolished by now but we can see that people demand for this system for example the case of senator election can be seen in history where people clearly showed that they need direct democracy implemented in the country

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