287Unfortunately this becomes a habit which slowly turns into abuse for the child The New York Times article states Twenty six percent said they pop or swat their child 21 percent spank and 17 percent reported hitting with an object like a belt demonstrating that in the heat of the moment parents do not consider the long term psychosocial effects it can have on a child The child becomes frail and incompetent to achieve certain things or develop normally The Brookings article supports this claim stating that children who were spanked are at higher risk of academic failure proving the point that physical punishments do nothing more but harm and destruction Children who were in a punitive environment performed worse in many of the experimentations than those who were in a loving and caring environment
Even though discipline is taken to extreme most of the time it is still very important to teach the child lessons There is a fine line between the discipline balance of abuse and punishment There has to be some type of punishment but it shouldn't be aggressive nor too compassionate It is proven through several studies that spanking harms the child's physical and mental health and it teaches the child wrong habits for the future The effects of corporal punishment definitely outweigh the benefits of spanking suggesting that this parenting practice needs to come to an end Spanking has been proven to be unjustifiable and ineffective for young children