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The True Story of The Salem Witch Trials START YOUR JOURNEY It would better that ten suspected witches may escape than one innocent person be condemned Increase Mather THE SALEM WITCH TRIALS Home Thesis Why The Town Of Salem History Of The Witch Trials Effects On Our World Bibliography Thesis In 1692 Betty Parris and Abigail Williams started hysteria and paranoia in the streets of Salem Massachusetts because they began to have fits claiming that they had been cursed by witches Nobody knew if what they were saying was true or not causing the town of Salem to sink into chaos A total of 20 people were killed in the Salem Witch Trials and after they ended the people of Massachusetts fasted for a day in order to commemorate and remember the lives of those killed The Trials made people realize that just because people are different doesn't mean they are dangerous which is a very important lesson to learn Return Home Why The Town Of Salem Why The Town Of Salem A brief analysis of the location of the Witch Trials During and before the time of the Salem Witch Trials the fear of witchcraft wasn't uncommon especially in Europe In fact rumors of witches in Europe can be traced back to 1300 AD three centuries before the Salem Witch Trials If people have been afraid of witches in Europe for centuries why did the Witch Trials happen in Salem one of the American colonies The answer to put it simply is the Puritans Who Were The Puritans 

The Puritans are a group of Christians that arrived in North America in the 1600 s These people strongly believed in the Bible Christianity and the right to practice Christianity freely which was one of their motives for leaving England and journeying to the New World Massachusetts became the center of Puritanism Why Salem The Puritans believed that Back to Thesis A Brief History Of The Salem Witch Trials Return to Why The Town Of Salem Bibliography Secondary Sources Harloe Kate A Brief History of Witch Hunts Mother Jones vol 42 no 6 Nov Dec 2017 p 60 EBSCOhost lanecc idm oclc org login url http search ebscohost com login aspx direct true db f5h AN 125593366 site ehost live This is an article called A Brief History of Witch Hunts We used this to get a better timeline of the Witch Hunts and to get a better understanding of when the Salem Witch Trials were at their worst Blumberg Jess A Brief History of the Salem Witch Trials Smithsonian com Smithsonian Institution 23 Oct 2007 www smithsonianmag com history a brief history of the salem witch trials 175162489 This is a website called the Smithsonian

We used this website to get a basic understanding of the story of the Salem Witch Trials We also used it to double check important dates Roach Marilynne K The Witch Scare Begins Cobblestone vol 37 no 7 Sept 2016 p 11 EBSCOhost lanecc idm oclc org login url http search ebscohost com login aspx direct true db f5h AN 117957325 site ehost live This is an article on how the Salem Witch Trials started called The Witch Scare Begins We used this to gain information on how the Salem Witch Trials started and who started them We also used it to gain a better of understanding of the events that occurred during the beginning of the Salem Witch Trials American History American History vol 49 no 5 15 Dec 2014 pp 34 43 EBSCOhost lanecc idm oclc org login url http search ebscohost com login aspx direct true db khh AN 98928484 site ehost live This is an article called An Unholy Mess 

It's about the history of some of the people who were affected by the trials We used this to get information on the case of Rebecca Nurse and Ann Putnam JR It also helped us get a better understanding of what the trials against witchcraft were like and how most commoners reacted when someone was accused Brandt Anthony An Unholy Mess History com Staff Salem Witch Trials History com A E Television Networks 2011 www history com topics salem witch trials This is an article called Salem Witch Trials on a website called History com The article gives brief info on the trials beginning middle and end We used this article to find details about how the Salem Witch Trials started what happened during the pique of the trials and how the trials stopped It also helped us get clearer information on punishments for witches and a better understanding of the Salem Witch Trials history in general History com Staff Puritanism History com A E Television Networks 2009 www history com topics puritanism This is an article called Puritanism on a website called History com We used this article to find details about the Puritans history and basic beliefs History com Staff Puritanism History com A E Television Networks 2009 www history com topics puritanism This is an article called Puritanism on a website called History com We used this article to find details about the Puritans history and basic beliefs 2012 1 2 period Class of Mr Sam Nekrosius Life After Death The Salem Journal The Aftermath 2012 people ucls uchicago edu snekros Salem 20Journal Aftermath SamMSamF html This is a website called Life after Death We used this website as the very base of our understanding about the end of the trials Return Home

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