Essay Example on Disobedience has been seen as one of the most valuable Traits









Throughout history disobedience has been seen as one of the most valuable traits a human can posse Disobedience is the action of wrong doing of a rule or a law Throughout history disobedience can be seen as a valuable human trait Though it can be seen that sometimes disobedience is not an valuable human trait disobedience if used intelligently can be used for social progress as seen through the American Revolution the civil rights movement Civil War and through social norms Disobedience is valuable human trait as demonstrated in the history of the American Revolution The American Revolution was the process in which America separated from Britain and declared independence The American Revolution would have likely never happened if the citizens did not demonstrate their valuable human trait of disobedience through protests against Britain For example their Boston Tea Party protest The Boston Tea Party was an act of rebellion by the Sons of Liberty They dumped an entire shipment of tea into the Boston Harbor to protest the Tea Act of 1773 This action of disobedience helped lead to the Intolerable Acts the Revolutionary War and the overall independence from Great Britain Thus without the Sons of Liberty rebelling against the new British law act the Americans would have just continued on following Britain laws Until they had enough and tried to rebel again Only through disobedience will social progress be made 

Another example of disobedience effecting social progress is the civil rights movement Disobedience is a valuable human trait as demonstrated in the Civil Rights movement The Civil Rights movement was the process in which to seek social justice for African Americans by giving them equal rights The Civil Rights Movement would have likely never happened if the citizens did not demonstrate their valuable human trait of disobedience through protests against whites For example Rosa Parks protest against racial segregation laws Rosa Parks refused to give up her seat in the colored section of the bus to a white man When she was told again to move she refused and had to be removed from the bus by police This act of rebellion disobedience lead to the Montgomery Bus Boycott sit ins and other forms of protests Thus encouraging other African Americans to rebel from racial segregation laws thus starting the Civil Right movement If Rosa Parks did not disobey the racial segregation laws then likely no social progress would have been made However Rosa Parks did not give up her seat she demonstrated that valuable human trait disobedience Therefore social progress was made and the Civil Rights Movement did occur Another example of how disobedience is truly a valuable human trait that effects social norms is the Civil War Disobedience is a valuable human trait as demonstrated in the history of the Civil War The Civil War was the process in which the confederate states fought for slavery and the Union states fought to end slavery 

The Union won thus ending slavery The Civil war would have likely never happened if the citizens did not demonstrate their valuable human trait of disobedience through protests against the southern states For example Harriet Tubman s disobedience towards the southern states laws was what founded the Underground Railroad The Underground Railroad was an act of protest against the Southern States slavery laws However Harriet Tubman was not the only person working the Underground Railroad Both people of North and South helped transport slaves from the South to the North Through these brave American s actions of disobedience 1 000s of enslaved African American lives were saved It was only through the act of disobedience that saved those African Americans and helped lead to the Civil War and overall ending slavery Thus disobedience will create social progress to be made Another example of disobedience effecting social progress is a personal experience about social norms

 Disobedience is a valuable human trait as demonstrated in protesting social norms There are two types of disobedience disobeying rules or laws and disobeying what is told This example of disobedience is about social norms I have a friend named Briana and she loved sports especially football However around that time girls were never thought to compete in football due to it being titled a male sport Briana eventually rebelled against the social norm of only males competing in football by joining the football team It was only through her human trait of disobedience that got her to join the football team and break her town s social norm Even though Briana did not rebel against a rule or law she was able to spark social progress throughout her community By refusing to conform to her town s social norms All these examples at one point in time followed the existing laws and no progress of what they felt was right occurred However when they rebelled through disobedience they were able to follow their beliefs thus initiating social progress to what they believed to be the greater good Need two more paragraphs

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