Essay Example on Diversity means to me is the Power









Unit 3 Summary Reflection Sheet Diversity means to me is the power for differences to get together by acceptance appreciation and understanding different viewpoints perspectives and background I think diversity benefits the community because it mix of cultures economic statuses as it is essential for promoting growth and learning among group Diversity has two categories of personal attributes which are Surface level diversity easily to observe people who have a different features speak a different language gender gender and race Deep level diversity to know people by their personality ethnicity beliefs and values I believe that diversity affects positively in our community as in education system workforce and international sports The idea of accessibility is an important force of change on college campuses today Accessibility is about making education accessible to all and it's particularly focused on providing educational support to a diverse group of students faculty and staff with disabilities Pg 114 Differences is based on ethnicity race gender and nationality Race is a socially constructed and perceived to have specific characteristics Ethnicity is that everyone can belong to one fixed group Everyone has differences and identity as each one of theses are not the same Differences are neutral process but one that both reflects and reproduce inequalities of power and status Identity is about certain groups and individuals as fixed and unchanging Interdependence means to discuss relationships between people and groups of people 

As interdependence in college is valuable because it contributes the student to success Interdependence can play a role in college life as interdependence struggle mode students in struggle mode may avoid cooperating with others and timid to listen compassionately Interdependence success mode student in success mode develop relationships networks of friend family and compassionately listen to others as an action of support To develop social skills and engage with people who inspire you should know that everyone is different so do not feel shy to engage with others by smiling being open minded and joining a club or group that into new social circle Students gain benefits when they communicate their instructors during office hours and e mail As talking with instructors helps to learn about academic field respond to problems and new situations Some advising to succeed are control anger over grades be respectful open minded be prepared and talking to instructors A mentor is someone has more experiences that can guide and advise to help you in your future career Passage or Quotation from the Text To succeed in an independent study course be prepared to work independently but cooperatively with an adviser or faculty member Adopt high standards for your work as you can plan for the possibility that your project or culminating research will be of interest to a prospective employer International students are those who travel to a country different from their own for the purpose of studying in college 

English is likely their second language Nonnative speakers of English like international students come from a different culture too For both of these groups college may pose special challenges For example classes may at first or for a time pose hardships due to cultural and language barriers Your advisor is so important for your university success that if you feel you are not getting along well you should ask the advising department to switch you to a different advisor Take the time to build a good relationship with your advisor the same as with instructors following the same guidelines in this chapter for communication and interaction Page 130 137 154 Write a 2 3 sentence response to the passage This i is your personal reaction observation realization question or discovery I agree that success needs responsibility to pick the right subject and to be prepared

 To turn in the project with a lot of great information creativity and differences to get a good grade cooperatively member as classmates teachers that will help me and will give me advice about what I am doing is right I am one of theses students who found difficulties in language cultures and understanding society First time when I came here I attended to high school and it was hard to understand the education system teachers subjects because my first language is Arabic I have been through hardship but that never stops me to work hard and improve the language to develop my brain with new things I need actually an advisor because I need to know some information about my major as sometimes I went to some counselor and did not help me did not give me feedback about school that I want to transfer to Also I need advice for taking classes that I need and do not waste my time by taking classes do not need to take them I agree that advisor in our education life will help alot to become a successful student

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