Essay Example on Do you hate waking up early in the morning every day?








Do you hate waking up early in the morning everyday Almost every weekday high school students wake up at 6am to get ready for school Most high schools start around 8am which is too early for teenager s minds to function properly All the high schools need to make sure their students are well rested and ready for a long day of learning School should start later in the day so students can get full recommended sleep Students will pay more attention in their classes which will help them learn better also the teachers will be in a better mood and awake for their classes As a result the students will have better concentration energy and attitude in their studies Students need a lot of concentration to work hard When they are exhausted and tired they are unable to think Also students need to be wide awake in their classes to pay attention For instance when they are solving mathematical equations or writing essay if they are lacking their sleep they will have many mistakes and will not be able to perform their duties as expected from the teachers Especially when it is the first class of the day many students fall asleep and miss the lectures in their classes
Schools should start at 9pm and instead of ending at 3pm schools should end around 4pm For example Let's say a student has a lot of homework that night and so they go to bed around 12pm after finishing all their work That student would not be able to wake up at early in the morning to get ready for school If they are a morning person they can go to bed early wake up earlier and still have many hours to complete their leftover homework Whether they are a morning or a night person the student will be well rested and fresh for the full day of school ahead Their mental and physical health improves and of that just leads to academic success Chan 2013 Energy is also very important both for students and teachers instead of being drained and late to class students would have more energy without being late and they would be well prepared Students will work much harder when they are not lacking sleep To obtain good grades and alertness in classes students need a lot of energy Better grades are only earned by students if they are given enough sleep Students who have an early start and come from far away are more likely to skip breakfast without doing it they do not perform well in school and do not engage much in physical activities I was more awake for first period and a lot readier to learn Hill 2012
To develop your brain and you must have enough sleep If a student does not get enough sleep the immune system gets lower and chances of being ill are high Nobody likes to wake up early when students do not get enough sleep they skip school sometimes just to catch up on their sleep If school was pushed back to 9am students and teachers would be much happier and healthier Parents will also appreciate the late start of the school because students will get better grades and the students will participate more in physical activities They will be less late to school and in addition to that they will be more focused Schools will end later in the day so there will not be enough time for students to hang around after school There would be less crime rates because later school days means less unsupervised time for teenagers Bow 2017 Students will also have better attitude in their studies because they can complete some work at home in the morning before school Instead of teachers getting up at 5am to prepare for their classes teachers will be happy when they get to sleep in as well While many people say that if schools started an hour later the teens would be staying up longer and fooling around This is true because they will have their mindsets that the school is starting later so they can just watch a tv show or a movie On the other hand many teens extend their work hours just to earn more money but they do not realize that they are putting their health at risk by working late at night and not getting enough sleep

But in fact more sleep means that the students would be less tired when they arrive in their first period class Many students just sleep in because they are extremely tired and do not have the energy to wake up to reach school on time However if school starts late there will be no time for extracurricular activities The students will be more bored and waste more time after school That is not good for student s physical health To be active in classes the students need a lot of extracurricular activities So all high schools should make sure that even after having a late start they must have extracurricular clubs Schools should start later for students to have better concentration energy and a better attitude If school started later students would be more focused and concentrated instead of being tired Student would be a lot more energized for performing excellently in school Teachers and students would get to sleep in which would for sure lead to positive attitudes towards learning With an extra hour of sleep students would have better attendance Also the students will have enough time to relax and they would not feel rushed to get all their stuff done in proper time As with later start time of high school the students would be more motivated to come to every class Late starts would also be beneficial for the teachers to have enough time to organize the material they need to cover for the day and to manage the rooms and equipment for extracurricular activities

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