Essay Example on Don’t you feel that the present world's Technology








Don’t you feel that the present world's technology is always behind advancing AI Before we start what do you think is the basic difference between a machine and a human simple answer isn't it Its feelings or what we call emotions and logical thinking The very feeling of getting jealous looking at that girl s new dress getting upset because he's not talking to you exploding with anger when hear false rumors about you and feeling happy when you are with your loved ones everything is an emotion one feels Another difference is the fact that machines don't have common sense most of the humans don't too either but now that's different So when one looks at advancing AI he should keep in mind that he has to generate feeling and give it the knowledge of common sense Once you analysis how are emotions felt by humans you're already halfway there and writing a code might not be that tough Sooner or later we'll have machine that think exactly like humans imagine a world where everyone has robotic friends But one thing that one must keep in mind is that when machines are given the consciousness of a human what would be consequences on the world I mean imagine a scenario in which we technologically advance to a day where machines are much smarter than the humans

This mean it is the end of humans there might be a situation involving an army of robots overtaking the world if we are not careful enough Now to avoid this we should create robots that don't know the meaning of anger n hatred But it should be able to understand the feelings of the opposite person and be ready to console them at all circumstances I get that I m contradicting facts over here but don t you get the point That's why we have to make computers realize their mistakes operate faster predict events and emotions By understanding the difference between desired outcome and reality machines will learn a sense of regret and how to minimize it with lesser mistakes and increased efficiency Human can feel and gain consciousness because of our brain So if we could make a device that would be able to process like our brain i e would have a capability to send signals which lead us to emotion and decision making then would be end up with robots comparable with humans Guys do you know how far we have reached in our research for bringing out a conscious robot Guess what we actually came pretty far Scientist has actually figured out a bionic arm which receives impulses from the brain and converts them into actions and movements 

This could be one way we can link the brain in such a manner to a robot Claudia Mitchell a woman can feel her hand moving after having nerves from her lost hand rerouted to her chest with an artificial arm has been given the sense of touch following an operation to remount some of her nerves Doctors have developed a biotic eye transplantation which transfers data from camera equipped lenses directly to a blind person s optical nerve Scientists have also created a way to control a robot with signals from the human brain by generating brain waves picked up by electrodes that sense signals and reflects a person's instruction and tells what people are thinking by displaying patterns on a computer screen They have even made a humanoid robot which consists of an excellent sensory system a head torso arms and legs and a flexible spine but no legs that brings several subfields of human and artificial intelligence of a two year old child Its artificial brain is made up of several combinations of processing components Have you heard about the technology GelSight It was discovered to provide physical touch sense for machines or robots It uses physical contact with an object to provide a remarkably detailed 3D map of its surface 

All the data from the GelSight sensor to enable a robot to judge the harness of the surfaces it touches is stored hence a sense of ability to handle everyday objects Basically it consists of a block of transparent rubber on which one face is coated with metallic paint When this metallic painted face is pressed against an object it conforms to the objects shape The metallic paint makes the object's surface reflective so its geometry becomes much easier for computer vision algorithms to infer Mounted on the sensor opposite the painted face of the rubber block are three colored lights and a single camera The colored lights at different angles and then this reflective material and by looking at the colors the computer can figure out what the 3D object is front of it really is Come on people in the past never imagined the internet airplanes flying cars or touch screen mobiles in the picture but we have them all now or are in the process of development Bringing a conscious robot wouldn't be a miracle We have intelligent people all around the world working hard in finding ways we can achieve this goal

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