302Survey Topic Proposal 1 Draft Title Economics and the View of Free Trade 2 Introduction Free trade is a very complex idea that stems from eliminating all artificial market forces from global trade This would include government actions such as unequal tariffs quotas currency manipulation and subsidies to name a few The most prominent free trade agreement the United States in involved with is NAFTA or the North Atlantic Free Trade Agreement which also included Canada and Mexico This agreement is under constant scrutiny because many manufacturing jobs were lost to Mexico due to cheaper labor Free trade also allows multinational corporations to produce goods overseas using cheap labor as well For example companies like Apple and Nike produce goods using Chinese labor With the onset of free trade many negative realities have come to light such as sweat shops where people even children are put to work in inhumane environments and barely paid enough to produce a good that sells for hundreds of dollars somewhere else
Thus free trade while it keeps prices low has fostered its own animosities which creates a tense environment 3 Survey Topic During the past election many candidates including Hillary Clinton Berny Sanders and President Donald Trump campaigned against free trade policies and agreements President Trump also withdrew from the TPP and recent free trade agreement The anti free trade sentiments resonated in Midwest and Rust Belt states where President Trump surprisingly won excluding Illinois and Minnesota 4 Purpose of the Study The purpose of this study is to understand how individual economic conditions affect American s views of free trade policy and agreements 5 Research Question How do economic conditions affect American s views of free trade 6 Literature Review Erixon F 2012 Transatlantic free trade an agenda for jobs growth and global trade leadership European View 11 1 121 122 doi 10 1007 s12290 012 0194 6 This article by Erixon presents the benefits of a hypothetical trade agreement between the US and the EU He demonstrates all the positive outcomes such as gains from both sides Also from a global perspective this deal could push both trading powers will beyond where they are now Since the agreement is a preferential trade agreement it circumvents the WTO and would allow for a new trading platform With the WTO on the decline large trade deals could be the new norm and this one could be the start
Using words such as unfair to characterize free trade agreements could have shifted the views of voters as well Also the TPP or Trans Pacific Partnership was an agreement that was at the center of economic discussions during the election which Trump eventually withdrew from 7 Hypothesis Views of free trade policy and agreements stem from individual economic conditions I expect income and education levels to have a strong link to their free trade view Free trade has moved many manufacturing plants thus jobs out of the country to take advantage of low wages Thus it is expected that Americans with lower income and education levels would disapprove of free trade policies and agreements 8 Draft Abstract This paper seeks to determine how individual American s economic condition determine their view of free trade This paper will study American s by survey asking questions that range from individual financial data to how the national economy affects their thought With the current political climate in the United States turning away from globalization to a more isolationist approach it will be beneficial to understand how Americans feel Economic conditions which are a result of free trade whether it be from loses or gains of jobs have a significant role in determining people's opinions about this issue It is expected that people with a low income will be against free trade while those will a higher level of income will be for it These results would be beneficial to politicians seeking to run for or be reelected to office