321Essay During the time between Civil War and the Reconstruction period new sets of significant challenges were introduced Multiple events have contributed to constitutional and social changes leading to the rise of a revolution Some factors of constitutional changes were the succession of confederate states Lincoln s Emancipation Proclamation and the Reconstruction Amendments Some social changes that questioned the effectiveness of the revolution includes the Ku Klux Klan the Black Codes and the Freedmen Bureau The revolution was able to make some great changes but also brought up unnecessary conflicts One of the major conflict that lead to the Civil War was the secession of confederate states which is also a constitutional development
During the time period pro slavery southerners wanted every state to own slaves because they depended on these free laborers for their plantations and agrarian society The North was against slavery and believed in their industrial society After the election of Abraham Lincoln some southern states were convinced that President Lincoln would end slavery and lead to some rebellions Rebellions include the South Carolina Secession of 1860 The government which was controlled by the North did not allow states to leave the Union because they claim that it was the people who found the Union not the State South Carolina ignores them and continues to secede because they believe that seceding will protect their rights to have slaves and maintain the plantations in which their economy depends on Doc A As stated in the Tenth Amendment since any power that is not given to the government is given to the states or the people South Carolina decides to secede to fought for its devotion to state sovereignty However secession was a failure because the Union won the Civil War it increased power over the federal government and declared to end slavery and strip southern states powers During the Civil War the fight with the South was really expensive and the tariff acts did not aid the financial problem at all
Therefore the Civil Rights Act of 1866 declared that everyone born in the United States no matter what race or color are citizens Senator Morrill believes that this act was a civil and political revolutionary change because it was able to go outlaw past slave acts and allow freed slaves to become citizens Majority of the constitutional changes resulted in a positive way however certain organization groups arose questions regarding the effectiveness of the reconstruction period The Ku Klux Klan was organized to oppose Reconstruction and to maintain white supremacy They were attacking in the South going against blacks Conditions were worse than slavery Doc I Blacks were helpless victims who had to go through terrorist activities such as lynching hanging and arson Through fear and murder the KKK started the counter revolution and inflamed the Jim Crow Law This law enforced racial segregation and discrimination against colored people in the end of Reconstruction Era This shows an ineffective way of reconstruction because it brought back unequal treatments to black people Between 1860 and 1877 many great social and constitutional changes established a new form of live Blanks were finally able to become citizens and cast their votes and federal government was able to expand to a more nationalized government However it did provoked the terrorist movements of the Ku Klux Khan and caused whites to discriminate against black people These changes were able to be both influential and ineffective in the American way of life