Essay Example on During the times of the zodiac killings Allen Started









During the times of the zodiac killings Allen started to behave very cryptic and odd with his friends and family Allen's friend Don Cheney went to the police and told them that Allen had to be the Zodiac due to the fact that he had been consistently telling him how he wanted to kill couples at random Not only that but Allen started to call himself Zodiac before the killer had identified himself as that name Allen also used to sign his letters with a circle and cross which became the iconic symbol for the zodiac killer Evidence like this consistently makes an appearance throughout the span of the zodiac killings and even some scientific evidence as well Just by the way that Allen presents himself while speaking to friends puts him on the firing line and makes me believe that he has to be the killer and the fact that the LAPD Los Angeles Police Department at the time didn't realise that something was psychologically wrong with Allen completely baffles me yes I understand that nowadays we have more options there for scientifically proving who killer was compared to back then but obvious behavioural malfunctions should ve been a red flag for them to force a prosecution Arthur Leigh Allen didn't have alibies for most of the questions thrown his way and when the zodiac would go unheard of Allen would go unheard of This is not a coincidence this is only a small portion of the evidence the he is a murderer that got to walk free 

The report given to the police by Allen s friend turned him into a primary suspect one of the surviving victims of the zodiac killings Mark Mageau was asked to pick one man out of twenty men on who it was that attacked him and killed his girlfriend that night Arthur Leigh Allen s photo was on that table and that's who Mageau picked Another surviving victim Bryan Hartnell managed to pick out Allen s voice and features as similar to the Zodiac Killers More and more evidence kept piling up against him so why wasn't he prosecuted It seems pretty clear by just reading this small apart of evidence so far that Allen had something to do with these crimes Key victims who were survivors picked him out Is that not screaming a red flag Clearly not in that decade Allen even wore a specific watch that had a circle and cross in the middle which again was later on known to be the trademark for the zodiac killer circle and cross 

The watch that Allen wore he started wearing during the times of the murders and also at the time of when he conversed with Don Cheney about wanting to kill people and calling himself the Zodiac All the evidence so far has pointed to Allen so again why was he not prosecuted He was an animal an animal that would mall you in the night with no remorse and spoke of the murders like an everyday thing like it was completely normal it's hard to comprehend how this man could possibly be left to walk free This man was key identified by surviving victims of the murders showing that not only did he have evidence and suspicions pointed towards him due to his attitude and behaviour but survivors picked him out and said that it was either him or strongly resembled the man that had attacked them and or killed whoever was with them Throughout the time of the Zodiac killings the murderer tended to keep in contact through the years with the police via letters he would leave cryptic codes for people to decipher and letter that seemed the equivalent of riddles In one of these letters there was a reference to a book called The Most Dangerous Game which is about hunting humans Uncoincidentally when Arthur Leigh Allen was being interviewed by the police he mentioned this book and stated that it was his favourite book and also which I believe was to spite the police Allen wore his Zodiac watch during this interview how could the police have not seen this man was the killer 

He quite literally shows it to them every encounter or reference about him Also in 1974 Allen was incarcerated for child molestation spending three years in jail The letters to the police also stopped in 1974 For three years The police searched Allen s home and found plans for constructed bombs and tapes about the Zodiac Killer Early in the times of when the killings were at its height the killer stated that he would put constructed bombs on children s school busses Arthur Leigh Allen might as well have been standing on top of the Empire State Building and shouted I am the Zodiac Killer because clearly LAPD still would've turned around and stated hm no I don t think its him Because after the police found the plans for bombs they took Allen in for another interview and asked him about what they had found in response Allen stated he knew nothing about it all and guess what the LAPD did Nothing They took his word for it and let him go they let a murderer walk It is preposterous the lack of intelligence that the police had at this time is completely and utterly ludicrous On one of the letters the Zodiac wrote there was a stamp on the top corner the police department ran a check to test Allen s DNA against it It did not come back a match However Allen had a bizarre habit of asking others to lick his stamps before putting them on the letter explaining why his DNA did not come back a match to of that what was on the stamp

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