Essay Example on During this course I hope to learn more about developmentally appropriate Practices









During this course I hope to learn more about developmentally appropriate practices that can be used in my own classroom someday Some things I believe I already know about Early Childhood Education is that the classroom should a place for children to develop skills that help them problem solve speak precisely communicate effectively and take good habits home with them in order to progress before moving on to kindergarten While my knowledge is better than some I still believe I have so much to learn about Early Childhood I believe that as a teacher you can never stop learning about how to improve grow and be the better educator I believe I need to understand more about developmental play and ways to effectively engage children while helping them grow socially emotionally and physically I want to be a teacher that children love I want them to come to my classroom knowing they can form their own ideas thoughts and problem solve in ways that work best for them I don't want children to learn that if something isn t the way I want that it is incorrect I want them to understand that there are multiple ways to do things I am passionate about learning how to run my classroom with the Reggio Emilia approach In the classroom teachers focus on how children develop physically socially emotionally and cognitively Physical development starts with traveling skills At the beginning of the year this focuses on the child's ability to move purposefully from place to place with control This later moves to the middle of the year where the focus is on coordination with complex movements in play and games Finally this moves to the end of the year where the focus is on how the child coordinates those complex movements in play and games 

After traveling skills comes balancing skills LLC 2016 Balancing skills is the next on the physical development checklist The focus at first is on how the child sustains balance during simply experiences The focus is then on how the child begins to sustains balance during more complex movement experiences This leads to the focus on how the child sustains this balance during complex movements LLC 2016 Next is Gross motor manipulative skills This starts with how the child manipulates balls and other objects with flexible body movement After that teacher see how the child begins to manipulate balls at a full range of motion Finally the teacher sees how successful the child is at manipulating the ball with a full range of motion LLC 2016 After gross motor skills come fine motor skills At the beginning of the year the teacher focus on the child's ability to use refined wrist and finger movements along with beginning to hold drawing and writing tools by using the three point finger grip LLC 2016 Once the middle of the year comes around the teacher focuses more on how children are beginning to use small precise finer and hand movements along with how they hold drawing and writing tools with the three point finger grip even though they may hold the instruments too closely at one end LLC 2016 The typical social emotional development for a four year old starts with self regulation The beginning stages of this focus on how the child starts to look at situations differently or delay in gratification how the child begins to manage the classroom rules routines and transitions with reminders every now and then and how the child demonstrates confidence while meeting their own needs LLC 2016 The middle stages of this focus on how the child looks at a situation differently or delay in gratification how the child manages classroom rules routines and transitions with reminders and how the child begins to take responsibility for his her own well being LLC 2016

At the end of the year the focus is on how the child begins to control strong emotions in appropriate manners begins to apply rules in new and similar situations and that the child is taking responsibility for his her own well being LLC 2016 Positive relationships are next on the social emotional development checklist At the beginning of the year the teacher watches how the child begins to engage with trusted adults as resources and to share mutual interest begins to identify basic emotional reactions of others uses successful strategies for entering groups and beings to establish special friendships with other children but the friendship might only last for a while LLC 2016 In the middle of the year the only new developmental focus is how the child beings to initiates joins in and sustains positive interactions with groups LLC 2016 Social emotional development then focuses on group participation In Early Childhood play is child centered play guided by the children with the teachers as facilitators The children choose how they are going to play and what to play with There is room for much imagination and creativity in play when children play they engage in problem solving skills negotiation social emotional development teamwork inventiveness and growing independence Play is also spontaneous and rewarding Piaget's theory of play also known as the developmental stage theory is the idea that cognitive development needs environmental stimuli and experiences as the child matures There are two stages of his theory assimilation and accommodation Assimilation involves any new knowledge and experiences while accommodation involves existing patterns and behaviors also known as schemas

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