Essay Example on echnology Can you imagine life without It









We are constantly using our gadgets without even thinking about it Need to clean some clothing Throw em in the washer Want to eat last night's leftovers Reheat it in the microwave You can literally find out who the 23rd president was by one tap or simply asking Siri google Alexa who was the 23rd president And receive your answer in less than 30 seconds It shapes the way we learn communicate travel shop and does most of our manual labor We rely on technology in about every aspect of our life it's humanity is all purpose tool There is no question that it has enhanced the world today the question however is in what ways has technology improved the world and how can we continue to use it to our advantage Technology supports everything rotary stands for specifically economic stability building goodwill and improving lives in our community and around the world According to Rewire org a recent study involving more than a million patents issued over the last one hundred years shows that not only do technological advancements have a powerful impact on the community it actually expands the community For example researchers from Stanford university MIT and Northwestern University along with many more measured how much a company's stock price was affected by technology The stock price of the company shot up dramatically The top ten most innovative companies grew between 1 and 3 percent faster in the following five years compared to companies which advance at an average rate In fact the companies that advanced at the average rate slowed down by as much as 2 5 percentage points A boom in technological products correlates to a boost of the U S economic output by between 0 6 and 6 5 percentage points 

Considering that our economic average growth since 1947 is less than 3 5 percent annually it shows a tremendous difference If you happen to be contemplating on where to invest money something involving technology is definitely your best bet In a period where economic stability worldwide can be pretty questionable many places around the world are on a constant quest for things that will vitalize growth and create new jobs especially a wider range of jobs According to the world economic forum The ICT sector is and is expected to remain one of the largest employers In the US alone computer and information technology jobs are expected to grow by 22 up to 2020 creating 758 800 new jobs In Australia the new super fast National Broadband Network will support 25 000 jobs annually Naturally the growth in different segments is uneven In the US for each job in the high tech industry five additional jobs on average are created in other sectors This means the global tech market will grow by 8 creating jobs salaries and a widening range of services and products for consumers An extremely popular new service that came about in the new millennium is social media The definition of social media is the practice of expanding the number of one s business and or social contacts by making connections through individuals Some of these websites include LinkedIn Instagram Twitter Facebook and so many more Although social media has some downsides there are way more positives that outweigh the negatives Let's focus on Facebook in particular which is the most popular social media website with its 2 billion monthly users according to Facebook it has more than 1 65 billion people log in daily and that number continues to increase However this app has a greater impact besides shaping the way we connect with our friends and family

According to CNNMoney Facebook has exceeded 500 billion dollars in market value along with amazon allowing them to be the richest tech companies in the world Apple google and Microsoft are also a part of this prestigious billionaires club Besides being extremely wealthy a study sponsored by the company has shown the network has created 4 5 million jobs around the world and added 227 billion to the global economy Technology benefits communities in ways we don't even think about especially unfortunate poverty stricken countries Currently more than 1 8 billion people lack a dependable source of drinking water according to the world health organization And not to mention more than 2 5 billion people have inadequate access to sanitation Annually at least 3 4 million people of water related diseases most are children Engineers and organizations such as WaterAid Practical action UNICEF and so many important more have sought out ways to improve these life threatening conditions According to the borgen project practical action has developed a solar powered water pump that uses locally sourced equipment to pump 30 000 liters of clean safe water to the villages every day The WHO world health organization reports that 91 percent of the world had an improved source of drinking water in due to these efforts made The question still lies How can we use rotary to further these efforts and continue to flourish communities especially our own The answer is you Branch out Socialize with people Accept new ideas Support and promote yourself as well as other people Get involved in your community Read and keep yourself informed about things going on and see what you can do to help sometimes the easiest way to solve a problem are the simplest solutions Thank you

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