Essay Example on Electronic word of Mouth









Electronic word of mouth e wom is any positive or negative statement made by people actual or a former customer which is available to a multitude of people via the internet while in traditional word of mouth the message disappears as soon as it is spoken in case of e wom the message remains over a period Electronic word of mouth e wom includes blogs online reviews social media posts and messages posted on online groups According to Abubakar and Ilkan 2016 this form of communication has taken on special importance with the emergence of online platforms which have made it one of the most influential information sources on the Web for instance in the tourism industry Sotiriadis and Van Zyl 2013 The advantage of this tool is that it is available to all consumers who can use online platforms to share their opinions and reviews with other users Where once consumers trusted WOM from friends and family today they look to online comments e wom for information about a product or service Nieto et al 2014 Electronic word of mouth e wom is an effective marketing strategy Chu and Kim 2011 Electronic word of mouth e wom marketing is appealing because it overcomes consumer resistance significantly price low and delivers fast especially through technology such as social media and mobile technologies Ye et al 2011 Electronic word of mouth e wom is defined as the flow that allows consumers to share their aspect online and directs consumers to party favor and go against specific products Cheung and Lee 2012 e wom includes informal communications from consumers about the characteristics and features of products or brands Ye et al 2011 

The information communicated consists of messages moved via interpersonal relationships compared to those transferred via mass media a channel that broadcasts product service information from companies to consumers e wom is a particularly vital feature in contemporary communication tools such as social media and mobile technologies Besides e wom enhancing customer experience and engagement However e WOM can be negative or positive and in either case e wom in particular can spread head rapidly and have a huge effect on firms performance and relationships with a consumer Maurice Chevaluminium ier and Mayzlin 2006 Because client trust other customers opinions more than advertisements provided by the company itself negative e wom can affect a firm's reputation and attractiveness to customers to a considerable degree Kim et al 2015 2 3 ACTIVE USERS OF SOCIAL MEDIA Social media refer specifically to sites that are defined as consumer or user based community services where people can construct a public profile connect with friends and share personal experiences and thoughts within the digital community Berezina et al 2015 Hoffman and Fodor 2010 Leeet al 2013 According to this definition social media emphasizes social formation relationships among people with the same interests and activities involved and online interaction The desire to interact with peers is one of the most important reasons for social media user in the most developed countries using social media Palfrey and Gasser 2013 The desire to interact with peers is one of the most important reasons for social media user in the most developed countries using social media Palfrey and Gasser 2013 

Therefore they show deep interest in engaging with a brand or company to share their opinions on the quality of service or the aspect of service or other products Van den Bergh and Behrer 2013 Their motive for giving feedback includes their belief that they can influence how other users see the brand or service Therefore social media users who are actively involved with social media in decision making should be more likely to share their thought and engage in e WOM whether positive or negative If they experienced satisfactory service at a restaurant hotel or a retail store they engage typically in positive e wom within their online communities via either social networking website mobile technologies or other methods of communication On the other hand if they faced poor service also referred to as service failure they will disseminate negative e wom to their peers or families to express their complaints or emotional reactions such as anger unhappiness and dissatisfaction 2 4 TECHNOLOGICAL SOPHISTICATED WITH MOBILE TECHNOLOGY The use of social media in most developed countries depends highly on technology and social networking Muskat et al 2013 Bilgihan et al 2014 An internet user adopts the internet to find the information and share their opinions with friends and the outside world in general

Social media such as Facebook and Twitter have played huge roles in the ways they work study travel eat make purchases and even entertain Mobile technologies play a critical role in enhancing social media users experience with social media in most developed countries Cobanoglu et al 2015 The advancement of modern technology has increased the network of communication channels between users and very broad firms including social media such as Facebook Foursquare and yelp com All the channels have advent rapidly and been adopted widely especially by rigid social media users in the most developed country In turn social media users find it easy to share their evaluations of service quality or an experience overall Muskatet al 2013 including positive insights about good service complaints following service failure or appreciative comments about satisfactory service recovery For these reasons we assumed that social media users are likely to disseminate positive e wom about good service negative e wom about service failure and positive e wom following satisfactory service recovery because they can engage in e wom with ease using multiple technology supported media sources

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