Essay Example on Empowerment and advancement of Women









Empowerment and advancement of women and the movement towards achieving gender equivalence is that contemporary movement which continuously evolving and buzzing across the globe Precisely we can say women empowerment refers to a process of empowering women with all the abnegated aspects of life In year 1995 The Fourth world conference of women held in China named as Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action started a move to concentrate on women strengthening In the United Nations Millennium summit of Year 2000 furthered the movement initiated for the betterment for rightfulness of women s in various field such as education sector health care and impoverishment and campaigns of gender equality declared as Goal no 3 of Millennium Development Goals Women constitute approximately 50 of total population in the world nearly share 48 of total population in India 

Though after economic reforms taken in 1990 India emerged as one of the fastest growing economies in world and also could well become one of the largest economies but it is being crippled due to a lack of women's active participation in the process Indian women who are self dependant and enlightened with education will certainly payoff a cocksure affect to the society by participating positively to the economic system biz world of the nation Our Indian guild always regards as a patricentic where family structure control and operated by men women are treated as subordinate only They have to face a lot off social restrictions imparity and negligibility that tends to lose their self confidence which in turn creates employability barriers and because of that they are not able to become independent and in such a scenario an entrepreneurship effort can be optimum source for empowering women as it helps them to attain their goals via facilitate and incorporated the ability to take action and decisions by themselves This study is an attempt to collect the literature related to the initiative taken by social entrepreneurs for upliftment and empowerment of women and why women empowerment is need of this era This is an endeavor seeks to explore some measures and working models which can be adopt by social enterprises for better results and analysis to understand impact of social enterprises on life of women and how we may encourage social entrepreneurship model for revitalization of women empowerment Limitation of the Study Scope of this study is limited only to study and understand the concept of women empowerment social entrepreneurship and their relationship among each other 

Finding and conclusion drawn are based upon study of available secondary literature Key words explained Women Empowerment As described in international conference of women 1990 Women's empowerment has five components women's sense of self worth their right to have and to determine choices their right to have access to opportunities and resources their right to have the power to control their own lives both within and outside the home and their ability to influence the direction of social change to create a more just social and economic order nationally and internationally Gender equality As per ILO 2007 Gender equality refers to the enjoyment of equal rights opportunities and treatment by men and women and by boys and girls in all spheres of life It asserts that people s rights responsibilities social status and access to resources do not depend on whether they are born male or female Gender equality embraces equality of opportunity and treatment equality of remuneration and access to safe and healthy working environments equality in association and collective bargaining equality in obtaining meaningful career development maternity protection and a balance between work and home life

Entrepreneurship Konrad Billetz 2016 Entrepreneurship is the ability to recognize the bigger picture find where there s an opportunity to make someone's life better design hypotheses around these opportunities and continually test your assumptions It s experimentation Some experiments will work many others will fail It is not big exits huge net worth or living a life of glamour It's hard work and persistence to leave the world a better place once your time here is done Social Entrepreneurs According to Schwab Foundation Social entrepreneurs drive social innovation and transformation in various fields including education health environment and enterprise development They pursue poverty alleviation goals with entrepreneurial zeal business methods and the courage to innovate and overcome traditional practices A social entrepreneur similar to a business entrepreneur builds strong and sustainable organizations which are either set up as not for profits or companies 

A social entrepreneur is a leader or pragmatic visionary who Achieves large scale systemic and sustainable social change through a new invention a different approach a more rigorous application of known technologies or strategies or a combination of these Focuses first and foremost on the social and or ecological value creation and tries to optimize the financial value creation Innovates by finding a new product a new service or a new approach to a social problem Continuously refines and adapts approach in response to feedback Combines the characteristics represented by Richard Branson and Mother Teresa According to Ashoka Foundation Social entrepreneurs are the essential corrective force They are system changing entrepreneurs And from deep within they and therefore their work are committed to the good of all Social Enterprises Social Entrepreneurship Shinu A Shastri S 2015 Social enterprises are businesses with primarily social objectives whose surpluses are principally reinvested for that purpose in the business or in the community rather than being driven by the need to maximize profit for shareholders and owners They tackle a wide range of social and environmental issues and operate in all parts of the economy and use business solutions to achieve public good As per Centre for Social enterprise A social enterprise is a business that uses entrepreneurial methods to accomplish social goals and or feed profits to a parent charity or non profit to enable it to fulfill more of its own social mission

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