317The discovery of efficient mixed cancer cure strategies containing usage of both HDAC inhibitors and DNA methylation is a result of mutual effect between diversified constituents of the epigenetic machinery Compare to individual cure approaches such combined cure strategies are more efficient For instance when only trichostatin A and 5 aza CdR were merged the derepression of certain tumor suppressor genes was observed When leukemic cells were treated with 5 aza CdR virtually the result was increasing in the antitumorigenic effects of depsipeptide Another example is that treating lung tumor formation in mice with 5 Aza CdR phenyl butyrate together and the result of the experiment was greater reduction in tumor In addition to DNA methylation and HDAC inhibitors HMT inhibitors another recent exploration In cancer polycomb repressive complex 2 proteins are upregulated However one of HMT inhibitor called DZNep play a key role for successful triggering of the apoptosis DZNep targets especially polycomb repressive complex 2 Following studies about DZNep strengthen the potential of HMT inhibitors and the necessity for future improvement of special histone methylation inhibitors Lastly epigenetic therapy targets miRNAs Recent works proved that reactivation of miR 127 subsequent cure with 4 phenylbutyric acid and 5 Aza CdR leads down regulation of the BCL6 oncogene thus supporting for the potential miRNA based cure strategy Besides imitating tumor suppressor miRNAs by synthetic miRNAs which can be used to suppress specific oncogenes in tumor To adjust abnormal epigenetic machinery in cancer usage of miRNAs such as miR 101 which targets EZH2 may help in reforming of the normal epigenome Yet main hardship in the efficient usage of cure strategy is the missing of effective delivery way In future prime significance is improvement of effective intermediate molecules for delivery of synthetic miRNAs to tumor cells