Essay Example on Ethical Decision Making









The authors Rae and Wong discussed in their textbook Beyond Integrity the value of morals in business In chapter 1 the book discusses how morality plays a huge part in business Most people make moral decisions in 1 of these 5 different ways 1 Ethical egoism The belief that actions that advance one's own self interest are moral 2 Utilitarianism The belief that morality is judged by the actions that have the greatest balance of good consequences over harmful consequences 3 Deontological systems The theory that moral duties are based on what is inherently the right thing to do The consequences of the actions are not a factor in the morality of the decision because moral obligations come from principles and not ends 4 Emotivism The belief that personal feelings are the determinant of what is right and wrong meaning what is moral depends on his hers personal beliefs 5 Virtue theory The belief that there is more to morality than doing the right thing Morality is judged not by the person's actions but by a person s character Rae and Wong explain that although there are many different ways people make moral decisions no one way is necessarily better than the other and sometimes multiple moral decisions are used at once Biblical scriptures place a heavy emphasis on the moral character of the individual an individual s virtues and principles should exemplify that of Christ Jesus Aside from having a Christ like moral code Christians should be humble open teachable and respectful of the ethical convictions of others The goal of chapter 1 was to emphasize a cooperation s mission to be the motivator and guide to ethical decision making Respect the beliefs and values of everyone in the diverse workplace 

Lastly following through with organizational reforms to minimize recurrence of the problem Christian Ethics in Business Tensions and Challenges In chapter 2 Rae and Wong go on to discuss how many businesspeople feel an uneasy tension between their own personal moral values and those that seem to saturate business dealings The thought that financial success may only be achieved through abandoning moral beliefs is one of the most troubling aspects of a business career To act honestly or compassionately people may fear a great disadvantage with their competitors Research has found that most individuals live with two sets of values one for private life and one for work Most would say that the simple solution to solve this issue of no morality in the workplace is to instill Christian morals into business Carr claims that a sudden submission of Christian ethics by businessmen would bring about the greatest economic upheaval in history He believed that the economy would actually fall apart since it is structurally dependent on untrustworthiness and deception for its survival In the Bhide and Stevenson article trust and honesty is more prevalent than not in the commercial realm Though it is said honesty is the best policy many refrain from telling the truth because of the benefits produced by straying from the truth Chapter 2 points to different cases where not being truthful was rewarded or rarely punished Even with these findings they conclude that the trust necessary to form relationships within a business is still alive because for many people in business honesty is a matter of one's own conscience and moral beliefs than strategy Christian Engagement in Business Unfortunately in chapter 3 Rae and Wong allude to the fact that in this day and age Christian involvement in business is still viewed with suspicion Most believe that Christians in business real motives are to benefit the church

This is because most Christians involved with business claim to only be involved for evangelical reasons Christians do this because there is little evidence to explain how business activity by itself can do the work of God kingdom work Current negative portrayals of people in business contribute to the suspicions of business being spiritually suspect The authors ask the question of how should we engage business given these troubling issues First we must fix the issue that alludes to there being a huge gap between the thought messages of the church being opposite the message behind business Research has shown that there is some degree of overlap between Christian values and most common business practices Depending on the actual size of the gap of separation a method of engagement between the two can ensue Rae and Wong in chapter 3 shed light on ways in which business and Christianity overlap Business activity can help fulfill the creation order given in Genesis 1 26 28 The command contains community ordering and co creativity with God as key components Second business is one of many means in which God provides for His people Business provides different services and goods creates employment opportunities and with market capitalism s unique ability to create new wealth may be the best means of mitigating poverty in the world Chapter 3 does a great job or acknowledging the immoral practices in today's fields of business God's work in transforming and redeeming the world he created Christians are now faced with a significant responsibility to participate in business and other parts of culture in order to positively contribute to God s transformative plan

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