419Greek philosopher Hippocrates developed a theory in which he believed that mental illness is naturally occurring within the pathology of the brain that resulted in an ailment of the soul Foerschner 2010 In this time other philosophers had their own theories Aristotle and Plato believed that healing could happen as long as the soul was repaired Sigmund Freud theorized that the unconscious thought triggered conscious behavior This means that he thought mental was separate from conscious Descartes believed objects could not be explained by rationality Freud's theory established the psychoanalysis that lay central to the current belief This made a huge step forward into the world of psychology In 1896 Witmer opened the first clinical psychology lab The American Psychology Association had given no support to the lab He applied the psychological principles to human ailment which was welcomed by the American Psychological Association after temporary separation of clinical psychology from the association Plante 2011 Clinical psychology assisted during wartime by using tests and assessments developed to place soldiers correctly These very tests and evaluations are still used in the military At the end of war psychologists were treating soldiers who suffered the psychological side effects from war This led to the Boulders Conference which developed new training guidelines for the education of clinical psychologists Plante 2011 As science is continuing to develop clinical psychology will continue to evolve Research is used to find an answer to why people behave the way they do what treatment is best for the patient and how can the behavior be prevented Research allows a more in depth look at how the scientific aspect can contribute to current and future treatment plans Statistical data is consistently collected throughout the process of treatment It is than analyzed to determine the most accurate and reliable information that will be used and shared for the future
Using the most precise and reliable data provides the most dependable information that holds the potential to further research and create innovative treatment procedures such as the use of medications Plante 2011 Clinical psychologists share many similarities with other mental health professions such as social workers psychiatrists and school psychologists They all want to help other people They want to earn their trust and get them healthy and happy again They want to use their resources and get them the help they need Each of these professions complete different training s schooling and work in different environments Clinical psychologists have pursued their educations on a doctoral level and are required to work one on one with clients on a clinical and counseling level during residency Clinical psychologists spend a majority of sessions with their clients completing cognitive tests such as IQ tests aptitude tests and those that assess basic neurological functions Mental health counselors are limited to certain assessments they can use and tests they can legally perform Most times mental health counselors are allowed to perform cognitive testing only under the supervision of a licensed psychologist Social workers are also dedicated to helping others They work with in the social service system to find solutions to problems such as poverty and emotional or mental health Social workers work in a variety of environments such as government agencies and education They work with children and adults Typically social workers only need a bachelor's degree School psychologists generally need a masters degree but also take training s that involve human resources and development
They are not able to give cognitive testing and often reach out to other sources for students Psychiatrists are mental health professionals and licensed medical doctors who provide assessment diagnosis and treatment of mental health disorders They are also trained in a variety of treatment techniques from psychotherapy to medication therapy Thye are also able to prescribe medication Though there are several differences between the professions there are great advances when each of these workers do their job They are able to work together and provide all resources and treatment for patients Although Clinical psychology allows for the prevention and understanding of mental illnesses there are numerous professions that go along with this branch of psychology Psychiatrists are able to provide medication for treatment and psychologists are able to provide testing With each of these professions there are plenty of resources that can be used to help children and adults This allows for a long term plan to help the patient achieve their goals References Plante T G 2011 Contemporary Clinical Psychology 3rd ed Hoboken New Jersey Retrieved from the University of Phoenix ebook database Foerschner A M 2010 The History of Mental Illness Retrieved from University of Phoenix ebook collection