Essay Example on Excuses for most schools to continue starting earlier than 8 30









There aren’t anymore excuses for most schools to continue starting earlier than 8 30 am Right now over 85 of schools are Wahlstrom Senior The average public high school in the US starts at 7 59 am This means that students don t get the recommended 8 5 9 5 hours of sleep because the sleep wake cycle causes most adolescents get their best sleep between 11 pm 8 am Chen Tim There is an abundant amount of valid evidence schools cannot deny Schools need to start later in the morning so students can get a full night s sleep which will decrease risks that are caused by lack of sleep will increase academics and will stop sleep deprivation Some of the risks that are caused by lack of sleep are shocking Both pediatricians and the CDC groups cited significant risks such as higher rates of obesity motor vehicle accidents symptoms of depression and an overall lower quality of life Depression can lead to substance abuse and even suicide More sleep would result in fewer student injuries and fewer missed hours in class and on the field In 2012 the study of Los Angeles middle and high school athletes researchers found that getting less than 8 hours of sleep was the strongest predictor of injury If that wasn t enough another study in North Carolina showed more than a quarter of injured athletes missed at least one week of playing time Lewis Lisa L Which could be because of lack of sleep It is understandable without getting enough sleep at night it s hard to go throughout the whole school day and then go to practice right after for another hour or two One of the biggest risks is driving Teen driving accidents could also be because of the loss of sleep Teens and young adults are involved in more than half of all drowsy driving crashes annually says Jonathan Adkins National Highway Safety Administrations says drowsy driving is an Extreme danger Lewis Lisa L So if teens were able to sleep at the time their bodies got tired at most of these studies wouldn t even exist 

A study used data from the Virginia Department of Motor Vehicles to compare car accident frequencies in Chesterfield County Virginia where their high school classes began at 7 20 am and nearby Henrico County where classes started at 8 45 am In the 2009 2010 school year for every 1 000 licensed drivers ages 16 18 there were 49 crashes in Chesterfield compared to 38 in Henrico The situation is similar for most studies done such as the one in Jackson WY the crash rate for teens dropped by 70 after later start times Wahlstrom Senior and in Lexington KY teen car crashes for 17 to 18 year olds dropped 16 5 after later start times Lewis Lisa L Later start times has been proven to increase attendance graduation rates and academic performance throughout a couple of studies Finley Edwards found that one hour delay in start time increased math reading tests by three percentile Lowest scoring students showed the biggest jumps Lewis Lisa L An experiment with 9 000 students 8 high schools Minnesota Wyoming Colorado found the same thing but with higher attendance and a decrease in tardiness substance abuse and symptoms of depression Some of those schools even had a dramatic drop in teen car crashes Richmond Emily After Bonneville County Idaho instituted such change the abscenes dropped 15 Lewis Lisa L Now with the most important reason as to why school needs to be started at 8 30 a m or later There is biological research that shows circadian rhythms shift during the teen years pushing them to stay up late at night and sleep in This usually begins around the age of 13 slowly gets stronger throughout the ages of 14 16 and peaks at 17 19

 Fischetti Mark Whenever schools are starting earlier than 8 am they're causing most students to be sleep deprived bordering on pathologically sleepy Richmond Emily According to CDC almost 70 of high school students report sleeping 7 hours or less on a regular basis Macmillan Amanda This is why some of the students are suffering from some level of sleep deprivation teens need 8 10 hours of sleep Minnesota high schools started at 8 30 am or later and it even resulted in 60 of the students sleeping at least 8 hours per night according to a 2014 study from the University of Minnesota Chen Tim Still parents and schools argue that students would not have enough time to fit in after school activities but in the districts that made the change seen students do not have a harder time fitting in after school activities such as sports and keeping part time jobs School should start later because there aren't anymore excuses Schools need to start later in the morning so students can get a full night's sleep which will decrease risks that are caused by lack of sleep will increase academics and will stop sleep deprivation

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