292Mallikarachchi 2012 Obviously the fibres are weak in bending due to its high length to diameter ratio and therefore it is more flexible perpendicular to the fibre direction So the woven nature is increasing its stiffness in the composite According to the woven nature and no of plies in the yarns the bending properties tend to vary Therefore predicting the bending properties of thin woven fibre composites is very much important for the aerospace industry As there is no exact theory for predicting this nonlinear bending behaviour the finite element modelling is the better way in a cost effective manner rather than going with experimentation So that the research is focusing on the micromechanical modelling using a commercial finite element software This research mainly focusing into the micromechanical study of the plain weave style of two ply woven fibre composites As considering two ply woven fibre composite the research will be basically started on the in phase fibre configuration in the model with solid elements The solid element is selected as in the previous research
Mallikarachchi 2012 they obtained considerably acceptable result with modelling using the solid elements Due to the time constraint the research cannot allocate time for the experimental aspects to validate the answer Therefore the experimental data will be obtained from outsource Identifying the appropriate representation for the actual weave geometry of the thin woven fibre composite and simulating the axial and bending properties using a commercial finite element software package After thoroughly reviewing the research papers on the relevant research area current problems and other developed approaches on micromechanical modelling can be clearly identified And therefore the appropriate modelling technique will be defined Then the material properties of the thin woven fibre composites will be obtained The amplitude wavelength and cross sectional area of the fibre will be obtained using the image from micrographs and scaling that using AutoCAD software and other properties will be derived using fibre volume ratio and rule of mixture Then actual weave geometry of the representative unit volume element of yarn will be modelled representing the woven fibre composite considering the interactions between the fibre and the resin Finite element model will be carried out using a commercial finite element package most preferably Abaqus For each model created the in plane properties will be verified before continuing the rest of the research Then bending simulation will be done and the results will be compared with the predicted CLT values as well as the experimental data