Essay Example on First aid is the immediate care that is given to an Individual









Introduction to First Aid First aid is the immediate care that is given to an individual who has been injured or has suddenly fallen ill First aid includes but is not limited to stuff such as self help or home care if a medical professional or medical assistance is not available immediately First aid can include making the victim as comfortable as possible with actions or words of encouragement or even showing competence in what you re doing to provide relief to the victim Usually the First Aider will take control of the whole situation until the situation has resolved itself or medical assistance has arrived The First Aider will deal with the injured person s injury or their illness He or she will know what to and what not to do is a given situation He or she will avoid errors will are often made by individuals who are not trained well or at all The first aider also knows that his skill and knowledge of first aid can mean the difference between an injured person dying or living becoming permanently or temporarily disabled or between quick or long recovery period According to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention or CDC the leading cause of deaths for ages 1 

44 is Accidental injury Centers for Disease Control and Prevention n d These incidents are a strong reason we need First aid training The grim statistics of these deaths and the pattern that medical care has changed in recent years then individuals today not only require but should demand the best possible care The value of first aid is in great value considering it can help prevent or treat sudden illness or even sudden accidental injury or even caring for many people injured in the event of a natural disaster or even events such as mass shootings Being trained or having studied first aid you are prepared to help or provide some instructions in first aid which can help promote a safety attitude or even instruct people or assist wisely to people who are in a panic I would like to argue that there is a type of obligation on a humanitarian basis to assist people in panic or even the helpless Plus there is no greater satisfaction than being able to relieve suffering temporarily or even saving a life Being train in first aid not only are you able to help others but you are able to help yourself if you have fallen ill or have had an injury Even if your injury or illness has impaired you in a way that keeps you from caring for yourself you can help direct other individuals through the proper procedures they should follow to be able to care for you effectively until you can recover or receive proper medical care Basic Anatomy of the Human Body 

The human anatomy of the body includes everything you can find on a body Stuff from the things you can see such as skin hair or other outer body parts to the individual's respiratory system skeletal system cardiovascular system nervous system and much more such as urinary digestive and reproductive But we won't be covering all of these Only the basic parts of the human body like the skeletal system integumentary system and cardiovascular system The human skeleton is one of the most important parts of the human body It provides a large number of benefits for us that without would be very dangerous to not have The main functions of bones are Protection Assisted movement Storage of minerals and Energy and Blood cell production The skeleton provides protection to your vital organs in your body Examples include your skull protecting your brain and your rib cage protecting your heart and lungs Skeletal muscles are attached to bones so when the muscles contract the bones will move helping you move around The red bone marrow inside of bones produce red blood cells and your bones also store minerals like Calcium and your bone marrow has a chemical called adipose cells which an important energy reserve We also have the integumentary system which is also important to our survival 

This system includes the largest organ in the human body which is the skin This system is important as it s the first line of defense from foreign organisms it helps keep body temperature stable it can sense pain or touch it can help remove waste from the body in the form of sweat and helps produce vitamin D The skin helps protect the body from foreign invaders who may make you sick and in extreme cases can cause severe illness which can kill you Temperature regulation can be from the outside temperature changing and your body protecting you from getting too cold or releasing sweat to keep you cool which sweat can also be waste your body is disposing of It also helps produce vitamin D which helps regulate calcium and phosphorus levels which are important for having healthy bones Lastly we have the cardiovascular system which is the center of our body The cardiovascular system is made up of the heart and circulatory system Your heart is basically a pump which pushes blood to places it needs to be such as organs tissues and cells in the body The blood provides oxygen and important nutrients that your body and blood cells need and helps remove the carbon dioxide that the cells in your body produce Blood is continually cycled through your body returning to the heart through veins An interesting fact about the human veins is that laid end to end a human body has enough length in veins to circle the earth twice The Franklin Institute n d The arteries pull blood from the heart that has plenty of oxygen in it while veins return blood to the heart that has a poor amount of oxygen in it

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