Essay Example on Flood is a significant natural hazard that affects a particular Geographical Setting









According to Kowalzig 2008 the flood is a significant natural hazard that affects a particular geographical setting and over 170 million people annually However flood risk needs to be assessed and managed to avoid destruction in national borders the socio economic limitation as well as geographical locations Degiorgis et al 2012 Schanze 2006 classified flood risk management categories into a Flood risk mitigation b Flood risk assessment The two distinctions take into cognizance the level of hazard and impact since it is difficult to eliminate risk possibly without design strategies to control the flood impact hazard at high or regional scale to identify prone areas Tehrany Pradhan Jebur 2013 Provision of warning or alert is expected to facilitate argument response and decrease the impact of possible future flood events Kia et al 2012 mountainous areas are more vulnerable to the threat of flood hazard 

The application of GIS based multi criteria analysis concerning flood risk and hazard assessment was rare until the year 2000 Black Burns 2002 explain the estimated flood risk on Scottish river and analyzing flood records using of existing GIS data Early attempt to use GIS on hydrologic context or water related issues were present in work of Kazakis Kougias Patsialis 2015 

The risk has been estimated for different hazards flood debris and so on on various locations of Glenwood Spring Colorado to defining land use suitability According to Correia Da Silva Ramos 1999 GIS is recognized as a powerful tool in regulating and analyzing data from different sources and flood risk mapping was presented at different platforms of urban growths simulating and consequences of alternative cases Zerger 2002 also relate importance to introduced input parameters that necessitate uses of spatial analysis to the real world and enhance decision making Schumann Funke Schultz 2000 Discussed on the relevance of GIS based methodology for rainfall runoff modeling which has been developed While another author Liu et al 2003 included several parameters in their rainfall runoff model such as land use soil types and DEM Rainfall was to estimate spatial distinction between average flow and runoff in the river basin Forte Pennetta Strobl 2005 expanded the earlier work of Liu et al 2003 and divided southern Peninsular in Italy into prone zones of categorized flood risk Van Der Veen Logtmeijer 2005 Explained flood vulnerability and asserted that it was associated with significant economic activities for specific areas and analysis of information of 28 sectors for simulation of flood events Similarly Dewan Islam Kumamoto Nishigaki 2007 developed flood hazard maps in the form of a model on Dhaka river basin in Bangladesh by historical processing data of significant flood events of 1998 through considering the interaction of land cover geomorphology and elevation DEM

The severe flood hazard events of 2000 2005 and 2006 in Romania urged the creation and modeling the flood risk map to support flood mitigation and water management experts Brakenridge Anderson 2006 In Tucuman province in Argentina flood hazard zone has been delineated using multi criteria decision analysis by Fernández Lutz 2010 Another detailed work using multi criteria analysis in GIS for the estimation of the vulnerability of flood was presented in Y Wang Li Tang Zeng 2011 Kourgialas Karatzas 2016 explained vividly on flood hazard areas by superimposing GIS layers that visualize spatial and climate information Prudhomme Wilby Crooks Kay Reynard 2010 discusses among others the impacts of the climate changes and flood risk by developing a net mitigation model Recent work of Tehrany et al 2013 uses about ten parameters included in an analysis with significant value to statistical analysis while studying flood hazard in Malaysia Malaysia is free from the significant catastrophes like an earthquake volcano Hurricane cyclones and typhoon The severe disaster or hazard in Malaysia is the flood The two major types of a flood occurring are the flash and monsoon flood

The monsoon occurs in the Northeast originated from the prevailing wind around November to March Flash flood occurred quite rapidly Toriman et al 2009 Two events are recorded in April and October 2002 in Kuala Lumpur because of the uncontrolled flood from the catchment and floodplain Flood event was investigated by integration of 1 d hydrodynamic model using GIS flood management approach Mohd Alias Daud 2006 The Drainage and Irrigation Department of Malaysia DID is responsible for providing flood forecast and warning services to the public Chan 2012 The short messages system SMS according to Khalid Shafiai 2015 was suggested to be an urgent alert for mitigation against flood to the communities because information about flood events will reach them effectively The monitoring system of the flood has become a global concern Most areas located near the seas and rivers are the victims of flood hazard event The use of Google Earth to create flood maps and other Geographic Information Systems and techniques had developed new methods of handling flood hazard and risk Nourbakhsh et al 2006

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