Essay Example on For people to understand the importance of having privacy online








For people to understand the importance of having privacy online they must understand the idea of privacy and why is it valued There seems to be a large number of people that assume If I m not doing anything wrong there s nothing for me to hide Well the truth is that no matter what we do which can be either right or wrong we have the right to our privacy In today society the government is invading people privacy and some people don t see it as a problem But the thing is that they should because lack of privacy also means less security It doesn t matter if someone has nothing to hide everybody has the right to their privacy because it is a way of freedom of expression So before people should think about dismissing the idea of having no privacy online they should have a better understanding of privacy and secrecy In the essay Why Privacy Matters Even If You Have Nothing to Hide by professor Daniel J he argues that in today society there is an issue with privacy and it affects us more than just hiding a bad behavior He explains in details how the nothing to hide argument is based on deception and does not do any good for anybody People don t really have nothing to hide nowadays the government has a way of watching every move an individual People may not know about it or think it s a big deal but when it comes to privacy there s now a lack of it because the government can have easy access to your information online without your knowledge or consent

Since privacy is now known to be a difficult thing to achieve in this society it tends to be very sacred and seldom For example Solove stated Privacy however is too complex a concept to be reduced in a singular essence Solove 321 In other words privacy involves a lot of more than just illegal acts being committed and the fear of that information being leaked and used against the individual For example also people s information such as emails messages to friends and families and even their creative thoughts that are recorded in their database on handheld device or computers As some people have stated if they have nothing to hide it doesn t matter With this mindset they are saying that they are comfortable with the knowledge that the government has access to their information and the things that they do online Furthermore Solove stated Some may argue the private interest is minimal and the security interest in preventing terrorism is much more important Solove 319 They also believe that the government have little interest in them and is only looking for any online activity that might cause harm to others But from this mindset they also need to know that lack of privacy on the internet means giving the government more control and power over you Privacy is more about having secrets and hiding dark shadows

The assumption that online privacy is about what they are doing online is only a small picture of the problem Online privacy is the idea of what you doing and who you are as a person On the internet the information on the person can be stolen collected and analyzed Who you are is based on your personal identification which includes name date of birth social security and much more What you do is more about the searches you perform online the website that you go to and even the purchases that you made As Solove stated The problem with government gathering and personal use is distortion Solove 323 Even though online information can show what kind of person they are from their activities the government can also use their information to portray them to be something else With the evidence that they found they can assume that the person is doing something illegal when it s not the case Everybody deserves some privacy online and it s not just about hiding bad things There has to be a clear understanding of the concept of privacy and secrecy This is a subject that is harder to define and harder to defend Thinking that the desire for privacy to the desire to do something illegal is where the problem starts It gives the idea that those who want online privacy are doing something wrong So stating the fact that only people who are hiding bad things want privacy is a dangerous thing because it concludes that we are suspicious of it But whether actions are being done good or bad privacy is a part of everybody s life because it gives people boundaries and protection to be ourselves in the space of our life

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