Essay Example on Forecast the Business Future








Forecast the Business Future MP My job as the local MP of Waltham forest is to meet the people that live in the local area needs so things like education transport and other things like this This is very important because I will want my area and the people in my area to be happy and I will also want them to be satisfied with the services I am providing them with Adding on I will also want the area to expand economically and also financially so I will want more people being able to find jobs to being more money into the economy The Local MP will also listen to any problems that the people have in the area and the MP will then take it to parliament and have a debate on what they can do to improve the area and meet the local people's needs for example Education health care Finance Manager Hello my name is Bruce Smith and I am the finance manager of British Airways Finance Manager My job as the finance manager of British Airways is to direct investments for the business How has government spending been cut back in recent times MP Spending form the government has been cut back in recent time because there is a low economic growth so people will not have the money to spend on the products that they want MP This will have a negative impact on the economy because if people are not spending money this will mean that not as much money will be going into businesses as normal 1 Work Placements boosting prospects of young people

The way that this policy works is that the government are trying to get young adults around the age of 18 and over a job to try and decrease the unemployment rate Finance Manager This will affect British Airways in a good way because if more people are getting jobs this will lead to more money in the economy so therefore people will have money to spend on holidays and this will lead to more money going into British Airways Adding on if more people are booking holidays from British Airways this will result in the employees for the business have to work for a long period of time each day This will lead for British Airways having bigger plans in the future like opening up to more destinations around the world this will then lead to more income for British Airways British Airways will also be able to employ more people to work for the business If more people are in full time work this will lead to more money coming into the economy and the area will start to expand both finically and also economically this will lead to people being able to use their money on the things they want such as British Airways and customers will be able to purchase the plane tickets and this will be good for British Airways because money will be coming into the business and this will lead to British Airways expanding This will lead to British Airways being able to expand and go to more destinations in the future and being able to expand as a business and get more planes and staff in the business If more people are getting the education they need this will lead to British Airways having more skilled and educated staff in the business that will do the very best for the business and this will lead to good reviews for British Airways and making more customers using the Airline which will lead to more sales and income so the business which is British Airways can expand 2 The Higher Education and Research Bill The way that this policy works is that it will create more competition and choice that will promote social mobility This policy also boosts and increases the amounts of productivity in the local economy Adding on this will ensure that all students receive the value for money from their investment in higher education Finance manager

This will be good for British Airways because if there are more young people in education and learning about the world this will lead to British Airways having more experienced and educated employees working for the business If there is a boost to the products in the economy this will lead to more people purchasing things in the economy and this will lead to more people going on holiday and purchasing plane tickets from British Airways and this will lead to more income and profits for the business If more people are getting the education they need this will lead to British Airways having more skilled and educated staff in the business that will do the very best for the business and this will lead to good reviews for British Airways and making more customers using the Airline which will lead to more sales and income so the business which is British Airways can expand

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