Essay Examples on Framingham State University

A core reading program is the main instructional tool that educators follow

A core reading program is the main instructional tool that educators follow to make sure students reach or surpass grade level standards in reading The core reading program in any school must align with and support state standards It should target the needs of most students in a school Supplemental and intervention programs need to be built into a core reading program to support students that require more intensive instruction Various curriculums should be researched in order to develop an appropriate core curriculum for a specific school There are five essential components to effective reading instruction They are phonemic awareness phonics fluency vocabulary and text comprehension To teach these elements properly it is essential that the instruction is explicit and systematic to be effective in moving children through the learning to read stage to the reading to learn 

A Consumer's Guide To Analyze a Core Reading Program is a guide to analyze and rate any core reading program It is a way to document evidence of program efficacy The guide is formatted with the five essential elements It details the specific criterion in a explicit order for each element Next to each criterion is a rating scale to check whether the elements you are teaching meets partially meets or does not satisfy the criterion In my classroom I would follow A Consumer's Guide To Analyze a Core Reading Program to help recognize the strengths and weaknesses of the core reading program being implemented in our school I would also use the consumers guide as an outline to help me plan my lessons and to ensure I am covering all five elements in an explicit and systematic way I would also use as a way to collect data and to show if my instruction needs to be modified

2 pages | 593 words

DNA and Forensic Science helped or hurt the issue of Death Penalty

Death penalty has been a way of punishing people since forever People were sentenced to death for the most minor things At one point in religion every sin committed was rewarded with death so it was a very crucial case According to what I read the Texan polls It seems like they still follow their old traditional ways and are still used to the old ways of punishing murderers with death They also support abortion and medically assisted suicide To me something like that really hurts because no matter what people say you never really understand a person s feelings because they mostly say what you want to hear and not the real fact From my research about 73 of Texans are still in support if death penalty and whereas 21 opposed I think the 73 is a very high percent compared to the opposed one every year it is the same thing that the majority is in support of death penalty or even life without parole The poll i researched about was a poll in 2015 by Pew Research Center which showed me that 56 of Americans support the death penalty whereas 44 don t support it These levels of support are the lowest so far recorded in the past 40 years The Pew Research stated that there has been a striking decline in the support among the democrats Going back towards 1996 about 71 supported capital punishment but now it has been reduced to 40 and also opposition to death penalty has grown from before among democrats more than twice over the last 20 years from 22 in 1994 to about 46 today Racial minorities have the lowest support for death penalty but I also think is different depending on the country in which you reside When they have been offered an alternative punishment of life without parole the people are mostly likely to spilt it with 50 favoring death penalty and 45 favoring life without parole

2 pages | 625 words
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