Essay Example on A core reading program is the main instructional tool that educators follow









A core reading program is the main instructional tool that educators follow to make sure students reach or surpass grade level standards in reading The core reading program in any school must align with and support state standards It should target the needs of most students in a school Supplemental and intervention programs need to be built into a core reading program to support students that require more intensive instruction Various curriculums should be researched in order to develop an appropriate core curriculum for a specific school There are five essential components to effective reading instruction They are phonemic awareness phonics fluency vocabulary and text comprehension To teach these elements properly it is essential that the instruction is explicit and systematic to be effective in moving children through the learning to read stage to the reading to learn 

A Consumer's Guide To Analyze a Core Reading Program is a guide to analyze and rate any core reading program It is a way to document evidence of program efficacy The guide is formatted with the five essential elements It details the specific criterion in a explicit order for each element Next to each criterion is a rating scale to check whether the elements you are teaching meets partially meets or does not satisfy the criterion In my classroom I would follow A Consumer's Guide To Analyze a Core Reading Program to help recognize the strengths and weaknesses of the core reading program being implemented in our school I would also use the consumers guide as an outline to help me plan my lessons and to ensure I am covering all five elements in an explicit and systematic way I would also use as a way to collect data and to show if my instruction needs to be modified

 would also use as a way to collect data and to show if my instruction needs to be modified The Planning and Evaluation Tool for Effective Schoolwide Reading Programs is another evaluation tool that can be used to evaluate the effectiveness of the core reading program being used in a school As described in the PET R when planning effective lessons goals and objectives are clearly defined and prioritized at each grade level for reading success These goals and objectives need to be consistent with all teachers The consumer's guide for reading instruction outlines and breaks down each area that needs to be addressed when teaching the five elements It details the delivery of instruction Each element has a specific objective that begins with instruction and a direct explanation from the educator 

The teacher will then model the new skill Students will have many opportunities to apply their knowledge of this skill They will demonstrate an understanding by completing my teacher guided practice tasks Students will be required to complete different activities with the new skill My students will have multiple opportunities working independently and in groups The unit will end with student application of the skill

My student s performance will be used to determine the level of instruction The Planning and Evaluation Tool for Effective Schoolwide Reading Programs is a schoolwide tool used to rate the implementation of the current reading program I would follow this guide to help me plan instruction in my school This guide gives specific detailed information on how reading should be taught throughout a school All classrooms throughout a school should show evidence of differentiated instruction to meet the needs of diverse learners Children grasp concepts best when many different learning styles are presented Some students are visual or auditory learners while others learn best through physical or tactile activities It is imperative that instruction reaches out to all styles of learning Students can also benefit from cooperative learning When students are placed in homogeneous groups they can take advantage and learn from each others intelligences and skills Children that need extra support can also benefit from small group instruction as opposed to a larger group Group size instructional time and specific instruction can all be determined by student performance through assessments Screening diagnostic progress monitoring outcome and grade level instruction are all ways to assess students reading abilities

toring outcome and grade level instruction are all ways to assess students reading abilities Educational assessments helps to drive instructional practices Assessments can be teacher designed or published

 These instruments should be clearly specified and provide reliable and valid information about student performance Students should be screened at the beginning and middle of the year to measure their level of performance and to establish instructional needs Children at risk are monitored more frequently Progress monitoring measures are given on a regular basis as a way to collect data to evaluate curriculum efficacy make adjustments or modify instruction and document growth Educators must provide a measure of children s performance This holds us accountable for instruction Reading assessment is a foundational piece to an effective reading program Both guides will be used for my planning implementing and instructing They are an excellent way to ensure that I am teaching my students how to read in the most effective way The consumer's guide will help me in planning explicit and systematic lessons while using our core curriculum

The Planning and Evaluation Tool will help me plan and execute Together they will help to make sure my goals and objectives are prioritized and dedicated to the five essential elements phonemic awareness phonics and word analysis fluency vocabulary and comprehension I will also incorporate various formats to meet the needs of all learners I will demonstrate flexible approaches to teaching and learning flexible use of time and flexible grouping Finally my hope is that the students in my classroom will always progress as learners

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