Essay Example on Globalizations is the increase Interaction









Globalizations is the increase interaction between people states and countries it has social economic and political influences upon nation Albrow Marvin and Elizabeth King 1990 Although Globalizations brings a handful of benefits the rise of interaction between countries leaves them more vulnerable Transnational criminology studies the linkages between places as well as issues which do not belong exclusively to one place Bowling 2011 The terror attacks of September 11 2011 were the topic of a number of narratives and analysis Katja Franko 2013 Terrorism is defined as being the use of violence against civilians for the purpose of intimidation or to create a climate of fear Green and Ward 2004 As Calhoun point out globalization helped creating the conditions for the 9 11 attacks it shaped how people saw them and it will itself be influenced for decades to come not just by the attacks but by responses to them Calhoun 2002 The events of 9 11 were seen as global events which lead to a global war on terror Katja Frank 2013 This global war on terrorism is an international militarian comparing enforced by George Bush and the rest of the U S government and it was mainly linked with countries associated to Al Qaeda Eric Schmitt and 

Thom Shanker 2005 In 2003 president George Bush gave orders to invade Iraq to remove Saddam Hussein from the power and fight terrorist groups as a part of the War on terror Abu Ghraib was one of the most notorious prisons in Iraq controlled by the U S government It was the center of many critics after photographs were published by the CBS News in April 2004 proving serious violation of the Human Rights CBS News 2004 In this essay we will look at the events which took place at the Abu Ghraib prison An evaluation of such actions will be given linking it with the War on Terror as well as the normalization of torture and crime by nation in war zones After the fall of Saddam Hussein leadership the Abu Ghraib prison twenty miles west of Baghdad started to be used as a detention center controlled by the U S army Maha Hilal 2017 America is the friend of all Iraqi people was a statement written on sign just outside Abu Ghraib prison It was there to replaced Saddam s portrait when the U S took over as part of the war on terror Maha Hilal 2017 This prison had around fifty thousand people including men women and teenagers The people inside were mainly civilians who been picked up randomly by military checkpoints and it is believed that around 70 to 90 percent of the prisoners were mistakenly detained Red Cross Report 2004 Furthermore there were three distinct groups inside the prison the called common criminals suspects of crime against the coalition and a small number of suspects of the defiance against the coalitions forces Seymour 

M Hersh 2004 In 2004 photos the CBS News published photographs documenting extensive torture from prisoners on leashes to prisoners standing in crucifixion postres CBS News 2004 The abuse received a widespread of public attention Both in and out the United States the citizens were astonished and disgusted by the action of the U S army CBS News 2004 It was Abu Ghraib prison that introduced the world to the violence and results of the war on terror Maha Hilal 2017 Major General Antonio M Taguba wrote a fifty three page report which was not meant for the public but ended up being published by the New Yorker on what happened inside the Abu Ghraib prison Seymour M Hersh 2004 Taguba concluded that the institutional failures made by the Army prison system were critical and devastating Seymour M Hersh 2004 Furthermore Taguba found proof of some of the most horrifying actions such as Breaking chemical lights and pouring the phosphoric liquid on detainees threatening male detainees with rape sodomizing a detainee with a chemical light and much more Seymour M Hersh 2004 Moreover there were detailed witness statements and graphic photo phatic evidence to support these allegations Seymour M Hersh 2004 Janis Karpinski an Army reserve brigadier general was in charge of military prisons in Iraq although she had never worked within the prison system Karpinski was the only female commander in Iraq she was an experienced operations and intelligence officer who had served with the Special Forces and in the 1991 Gulf War Seymour M Hersh 2004 She was in charge of three large jails eight battalions and thirty four hundred Army reservists It is important to understand that the vast majority had no training in handling prisoners Seymour M Hersh 2004 In an interview with the St Petersburg Times Karpinski affirmed that for many of the Iraqi inmates at Abu Ghraib living conditions now are better in prison than at home Seymour M Hersh 2004

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