Essay Example on Going to college is a difficult Decision









College Visit Going to college is a difficult decision you have so many different schools to choose from all with different programs and requirements for being able to attend classes and transferring from one school to another is an equally difficult process but choosing a college that you feel is right for you to transfer to is even more difficult You have to know what classes and majors they offer what life is like on campus and what activities and events are held and other extracurricular activities and most importantly how much it will cost to attend and possibly live on campus But by conducting a little bit of research on the potential colleges that you are thinking about transferring to sometime in the future you can alleviate some of the stresses and make the transfer process a whole lot easier The college that I am thinking of transferring to in the future and shall be researching in this report is the University of North Carolina at Greensboro also known as UNCG According to their website the school was founded in 1891 and is known for being a relatively affordable college as well as one of the best colleges in North Carolina and has a wide variety of clubs and classes University of North Carolina at Greensboro UNCG Admissions About The reason I want to transfer to this college is that they are the closest school that has the program for Library and Information Studies as well as being close to home the school is only about three hours away from where I currently live so I will not be too far away from my family and is relatively affordable 

By completing a degree in Library and Information Studies I would be accredited by the American Library Association and be able to become a librarian seeing as I am hoping to become a librarian at a college level According to the school s website the total cost of living on campus as a full time student comes out at 15 773 dollars for in state students University of North Carolina at Greensboro UNCG Admissions Costs Cost and Aid Along with being affordable the school also accepts a decent amount of new transfer students each year According to the school s website they accept about 1 500 new transfer and adult students each year and a total of 19 000 enrolled students University of North Carolina at Greensboro UNCG Admissions About Along with having lots of different classes to take and clubs to join I also learned about a school legend while conducting my research on the school that I found to be quite interesting According to the school s website there is a clock on campus that if a student walks underneath it they will supposedly not graduate on time University of North Carolina at Greensboro UNCG Admissions Virtual Tour The affordability wide variety of clubs to participate in and classes to take have all played a role in why I wish to transfer to UNCG one day the school seems like a very lively place to learn Along with being affordable UNCG also makes it relatively easy to transfer to there from another school According to their website to transfer to UNCG you must have at least twenty four or more college credit hours and if you have less than twenty four credits then you will need to supply and SAT or ACT score if you wish to apply for a transfer and you must also be able to return to the last institution that you attended University of North Carolina at Greensboro UNCG Admissions Transfer Students As for classes that you would be taking as a senior they try to make your senior year look as much as they can like what post graduate life would be like 

According to their website seniors will be mainly taking electives that are related to their careers attending career seminars and take core ICS senior classes University of North Carolina at Greensboro Frequently Asked Questions from Students Beyond Academics As they do this they will also have to apply for jobs and volunteer as well as work on a senior project Seniors also typically enroll in 12 15 credit hours per semester To graduate from UNCG you will need a minimum GPA of 2 0 and have completed 120 credit hours total Although it seems a little overwhelming at a glance it is good that they are attempting to prepare their students for what life will most likely be like for them once they graduate and begin working in the field giving them a taste of what's to come rather than have students be in for a nasty surprise when everything seems different than what they thought it would be Applying for a transfer from one school to another is a relatively stressful process full of different documents that need to be submitted before deadlines arrive and making sure that all of the credits you have earned at your current school will transfer over to ensure that you do not lose your progress towards graduating as well as the money spent on the classes you took over the course of your college career But by doing a little bit of research on your desired school this process becomes a lot easier through finding out what exactly you need to do to complete a transfer Along with knowing what exactly it is you need to submit to successfully transfer you can also find out what life at your desired college is like how much it costs to live on campus how many students attend the college annually and what courses clubs and other events are offered for students By taking the time to do a little bit of research you put yourself one step closer to attending your desired school and one step closer to completing your degrees and graduating

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