Essay Example on Growing up I was always driven and highly Motivated









Growing up I was always driven and highly motivated to perform well in school I drew inspiration from my parents who always challenged me to do the best and get into even greater heights in my life As an individual I measured success through my own lens and only pushed myself as it fit my overall goals and models to one day study abroad I had a seamless career passing all my grade levels and meeting the set standards that were pleasing to me specifically and my parents I was driven by the achievements and was motivated to take on the next challenge I have for two years been studying Association of Art and Science Degree and I believe it is the right time to make a transition to the University of Washington where I believe I will meet my dream The decision to move and study abroad was a turning point in my life since growing in Hong Kong Chinese was my first language I had to work hard to adapt to a new environment culture and study as I pushed to learn English as a second language It was a major challenge for me since I did not have the resources to study in the elite schools where English was one of their core subjects I had to strive with the meager resources that were at my disposal and engage with my parents towards developing the best models and creating better approaches in the set systems 

One of the main subject areas that I found most challenging was Mathematics Mathematics which is a core subject in most of the science careers offered a big challenge since I only knew Chinese and I had to strive and gain an understanding of English In the first attempt I got a poor grade and since I had no similar experiences in the past I found it very challenging as I did not know where to gain the confidence and inspiration to try again However I pushed myself and tried to learn more English since I was already good in mathematics I engaged with an English tutor and started to know more mathematical terms and the critical attributes that I had to develop It was a critical phase in my career as it spelled a change in the systems and forms that were developed thereby indicating the main patterns underlined I managed to get the best from the models I had adopted and created a working scope with the efforts I had made towards creating a better system for the future My career is in engineering with Computer Science as my major Computers are revolutionizing the world and with the development of AI computer science will be on the forefront in changing the world models I want to be a part in changing the world through understanding the algorithmic models and developing proper tools towards creating a strong basis for change I am committed to developing my career choices and engaging in different industries where I can maximize on the learning process developed My main goal is to contribute in a dynamic world and have the critical tools towards overseeing a future where humans have developed machines that are more efficient and effective I am committed to fulfilling these goals and the American institutions offer the best chance towards engaging with brilliant minds towards accomplishing my goals One of my personal attributes is that am an introvert and do not share a lot with others I work well with others in a group but love to work on my own which is one of my main challenges as an individual I am from Hong Kong a region that has diverse cultures and languages I have engaged with people from all over the world and have come to understand the basic aspects of every culture in the society I am looking forward to learning and enjoying the American methods of study with the more interactive and group activities being most appealing to me

I want to learn in an environment where there is direct involvement in learning and engagement among classmates and the professor I am driven motivated committed and patient and believe these are virtues that have elevated me to my current position as I look forward to achieving more I look forward to one day go back to my community as a professional and help to transform not only Hong King but the world I have been a volunteer at the Seattle Humane Society where I learned a lot and engaged with many people at the time I have also been a member of the in phi theta kappa honor society in the Bellevue college where we engage in many volunteering activities The passion to help others and be the best that one can be has been ingrained in me through my experiences from a young age I am looking forward to growing together with you and develop the best methods that I can as a person in future

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