My name is Innocent PhD and I am happy to apply to the Systems Design Management Masters Degree program I aim to take up a product development leadership role with heavy technical involvement at an innovative microscope manufacturer For that reason I am more inclined to do programs like SDM in lieu of an MBA since SDM has a distinct appreciation for the science engineering skills I know will be fundamental to my career progress I once was in a meeting discussing results of a multi million pound GBP Wellcome Trust Grant my organization applied to before my tenure While excited that we were offered a partial sum I found out some requested funds were unawarded on account of a vague business proposal Digging further I realized that if even a single person writing the grant had knowledge of systems thinking that grant proposal would have had far greater success So while I love being a scientist optical expert I am applying to the SDM program because I want to be responsible for helping to develop and deliver the business plans manage the projects analyze trade offs flourish ideas develop the modeling needed to launch great scientific endeavours And so I could not pass up the chance to get this skillset as an SDM 2018 applicant Currently
I am the Assistant Director of Microscopy of the IDDRC Cellular Imaging Core at Boston Children's Hospital Harvard Medical School Before this I was both an Assistant Manager a nanoscopy postdoc at Oxford University in a microscope early development team Micron Advanced Bioimaging Unit another core LM facility As such my experience in shared research facilities is heavy in advising colleagues relevant funding boards on scientific advances for research opportunities inter core research projects we should undertake instrumentation we ought to invest in building rationale consensus between cross divisional teams on research projects evaluating new technologies academic commercial establishing pilot programs to help the core community Therefore due diligence on possible biotech or relevant microscopy investments a lean management style and simply being able to start something new from scratch all come naturally to me Having been introduced to exploratory development via testing of bespoke microscopy instrumentation because my own biological research was categorically niche novel it centered on the application of reversible switchable fluorescent proteins for use in non linear SIM NL SIM I routinely justified the use of my time resources energy to the funding agency development committees especially myself on a daily basis As an example when I saw that research groups were not using our core instruments as much as predicted I started a quarterly super resolution SIM Fundamentals Best Practices and A M A Ask Me Anything Group Workshop Why Because I saw that demystifying super res techniques would increase microscopy productivity for colleagues it did
Moreover I initiated Micron ABU s first cross disciplinary cross core project between Micron the Optics Engineering core to fabricate a re usable calibration slide a project which is very market competitive Furthermore in my current role I have taken the initiative to court several companies in an attempt to build a very unique academic industrial microscopy facility Many years of hands on research knowing the landscape made me great at seeing what types of programs would do well in certain environments And so if accepted to the 2018 SDM cohort I aim to bring this very same momentum to my classmates After reaching out to current SDM students I was invited to sit in on the 2nd week of Prof Moser s Project Management block Having just finished a PM Techniques for Development Professionals course I was eager to see what I truly understood in a new context all while getting an environmental feel of how things are done at SDM gauge the elusive fit Then surrounded by peers from a diverse set of industries I realized it would be a very worthwhile effort to create a Peer Invited Seminar Series where a cohort would nominate then invite influencers culled directly from the class or from companies we currently or previously worked for to give a short seminar to the entire cohort in an informal setting My understanding of systems thinking is an encouragement to apply skills appropriately in context of the goals of an organization so a peer driven colloquium helps identify who is doing what in that organization All in all getting an SDM degree will help me leverage newly learned business knowledge with my current expertise to one day oversee the overarching strategy in building integrated imaging infrastructure across multiple levels of an entity In short I want to grow my thoughts from how do we create it to how does this affect the organization at multiple levels essentially should we create procure it and if appropriate how do we get it out there for others to use Please feel free to contact me at your convenience via email ceinnocent gmail com Cordially Vic Cassandravictoria Innocent PhD
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"Happy to apply to the Systems Design Management Masters Degree". Noplag, Apr 29, 2020. Accessed: March 18, 2025.
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"Happy to apply to the Systems Design Management Masters Degree" Noplag, 29-Apr-2020. [Online]. Availible: . [Accessed: 18-Mar-2025]
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