Essay Example on Having adult responsibilities means that people will start to be Dependent









Having adult responsibilities means that people will start to be dependent on other people and that they have a responsibility to help meet their needs such as a responsibility towards ones family Often those responsibilities can be forced upon someone due to certain circumstances and as a result their personality can completely change That is the situation with Grete in Metamorphosis by Franz Kafka that due to the ramification of taking care of her brother s condition Grete s overall character changes into that of a responsible adult but in the process she becomes a cruel person Grete character in the story starts out as a quite and naive girl who prefers to stay in the background and is sensitive enough to suddenly start crying when she tries to get her brother out of his bedroom Before Gregor's condition Grete couldn't do anything on her own and wasn't a dependable person As she depended on her brother to take care of her and provide for her every basic need since he worked and took care of all of her expenses Grete wasn't considered a reliable person to her family as they couldn't really count on her to help them in certain situations An example of this is when her brother needed someone like Grete to help persuade the chief clerk and talk him out of his current state but she was too busy crying and was not there But his sister was not there Gregor would have to do the job himself Grete was expected to help out in this situation since Grete would ve been able to persuade him out of his shocked state but was instead being unreliable and emotional by crying and not being there to help 

That was the type of person Grete was at the start of her character progression As the story progresses Grete starts exhibiting traits of adulthood and moving away from being a naive and unreliable person and into a responsible and assertive adult As she makes it her responsibility to take care of her brother during his condition as no one else in her family can stand him in his condition She takes it upon herself to take care of her brother and meet to his needs as she sees it as a sense of duty towards her family She even goes out of her way to be considerate towards Gregor s feelings as she would accommodate to his needs in the way that he preferred she hurried out again and even turned the key in the lock so that Gregor would know he could make things as comfortable for himself as he liked Grete now has adult responsibilities that helps progress her character to be a dependable person Grete's change in character starts to gain the attention of everyone in her family as they are surprised by her newfound maturity The story implies that Grete doesn t necessarily enjoy her change of taking on responsibility but deals with it as she sees it as her duty and gives her a sense of purpose within her family Her family starts to notice Grete s sudden increase in her work ethic as she is constantly taking care of Gregor and also trying her best to help her parents in whatever way she can even when they don t need or necessarily want her help

His sister would sometimes ask his father whether he would like a beer hoping for the chance to go and fetch it herself Grete wanted to be useful and give herself a role and position in her family that would define her as an adult who takes on responsibilities Grete s character takes an even more dramatic change as she starts to become resentful towards her responsibility of taking care of Gregor and ultimately becomes a cruel person As Grete takes the responsibility of getting a job in order to support her family while coming home after her job to her responsibility of taking care of Gregor places a lot of stress on her She begins to get very overwhelmed and frustrated over all the work she has to do and no longer sees taking care of Gregor as a duty and doesn't even consider him a brother anymore or even a human being she only sees him now as a burden to her She even goes as far as to come up with the idea of getting rid of him in order to make her and the rest of their family better off without him We have to try and get rid of it Grete blames Gregor for the all the sudden hardships and adult responsibilities thrown into her life that she changes from wanting to take care of him as a responsibility to wanting to get rid of him and ultimately becoming a cruel person As previously discussed responsibilities can be forced upon someone due to certain circumstances and as a result their personality can completely change Such as the case with Grete who went through a dramatic change in character in Metamorphosis by Franz Kafka Since taking care of her brother s condition changed her from being a quiet and naive girl who prefers to stay in the background into an adult who can handle responsibility and can be dependable but also into a cruel person in the end by wanting to get rid of her brother as he became bothersome to her From this we can conclude that due to the ramification of taking care of her brother s condition Grete s overall character changes into that of a responsible adult but in the process she becomes a cruel person

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