357After the first six months of exclusive breastfeeding mothers can introduce nutrition packed foods while continuing breastfeeding up to age two Ssemukasa and Kearney 2014 Breastfeeding and complimentary feeding after six months help to promote adequate intakes of essential fatty acids and docosahexaenoic acid in developing countries Huffman and others 2011 It is not morally acceptable that there is plenty of food in this world but people are still starving The fact that all humans do not have the same access to food is heartbreaking We feed more food to animals than we do to the poor in developing countries Many people in developing countries are extremely hard working but still do not make enough money to provide food to their families Why do we not give everyone access to nutritional food We as a society are a highly innovated group of individuals who can get anything done when we work together and want to fix a problem Dying undernourished infants are a problem These children are our future We are killing off our future from the very start of their lives All people have a right to food and we need to work together to make it accessible to all people While there is no one simple fix to undernutrition of mothers and their infants there can be a start to help fewer infants face mortality Breastfeeding promotion increasing access to nutritious food and promoting healthy weight gain for pregnant women can all help this situation Starting in 1967 the United States developed a fortified blended food that contained high protein and micronutrients Perez Exposito and Klein 2009 Food aid from the U S has saved millions of lives already As a society we can continue to help developing countries get the information they need to have happy healthy babies along with happy healthy mothers