347Widely regarded as one of the best speeches in American History the Gettysburg Address was a speech delivered at the height of the American Civil War on November 19th 1863 by the American president Abraham Lincoln Gatewood Cameron 2004 This speech was delivered during the dedication of the Soldiers National Cemetery in Gettysburg Pennsylvania four months after the battle of Gettysburg Lincoln 1980 Though not a featured speaker that day President Lincoln went on to deliver the short yet powerful speech touching on issues such as the equality of men and the liberation of the nation Gatewood Cameron 2004 In little under two minutes Lincoln was able to deliver a speech that not only struck a chord in the audience present but also resonates through time Lincoln 1980 In its context America was in the middle of a bloody civil war After suffering a tremendous loss in the battle the state sought it best to dedicate a plot of land that would serve as a cemetery for the fallen soldiers Gatewood Cameron 2004 Abraham Lincoln s masterfully crafted address was meant to achieve just that while also inspiring the people to continue the fight In his speech Lincoln reminds his audience that the government was formed on the idea of the people's liberty and goes on to quote the Preamble to the Declaration of independence all men are created equal Wills 1992 Lincoln uses this proposition to suggest that all men having being created equal should have the liberty to enjoy equal rights and opportunities Lincoln 1980 Lincoln also recognizes the brave men and women who died for their country Wills 1992 By stating that we cannot dedicate we cannot consecrate we cannot hallow this ground he acknowledges that there s nothing him nor anyone else present can say or do to match the bravery displayed by the fallen soldiers Gatewood Cameron 2004 The words dedicate consecrate and hallow are all used to essentially mean to make something sacred or honored and this was the prime purpose of the day s gathering Lincoln 1980 On the last paragraph of his speech
This allowed him to effortlessly compare two ideas together which allowed the audience to be able to view them side by side Wills 1992 By quoting the Preamble to the Declaration of Independence Lincoln masterfully brings to light the goal of the emancipation of over 4 million people still enslaved in the nation Wills 1992 Lincoln indirectly makes plain the fact that the Civil War being fought was in large part a war to end slavery In the narrative End of Slavery the narrator Frederick Douglass also brings to light the plight of enslaved people in America and advocates for their rights to have the liberty to live freely and take possession of their own lives and fate Douglass 2000 He is quoted as saying Finding myself in a free state was a moment of the highest excitement I have ever experienced Douglass 2000 References Douglass F 2000 Narrative of the life of Frederick Douglass an American slave Random House Digital Inc Gatewood J B Cameron C M 2004 BATTLEFIELD PILGRIMS AT GETTYSBURG NATIONAL MILITARY PARK1 Ethnology 43 3 193 Lincoln A 1980 Address at Gettysburg At the Sign of the Bud Wills G 1992 Lincoln at Gettysburg The words that remade America Simon and Schuster