Essay Example on How a Person's Health and Wellbeing can be both Negatively and Positively Impacted








How can where you live influence your health and wellbeing In this assignment I will attempt to explain how a person's health and wellbeing can be both negatively and positively impacted on depending on where they live UK society is distinguished by health inequalities they are the unfair and avoidable differences in people's health across social groups and different population groups due to social biological and geographical factors which usually result in people who are worse of financially encountering poor health and shorter lifespans According to Labonte's Model of health and wellbeing p53 health and wellbeing in neighbourhood we are shown how health can be broken down into three main factors physical mental and social and each area overlaps to make complete health There are many examples how the neighbourhood you live in can affect your health and wellbeing To maintain good physical Social and mental health we need the following resources Good transportation route to local hospitals nearby parks and walking trails health shops more education and employment opportunities appropriate housing more spaces for people to recreate and relax in like cafes and public plazas local gyms outdoor activities and better sewage and drainage Alternately the things that have a negative effect on our physical social and mental wellbeing would be poverty people that are financially worse off tend to live in deprived areas which could affect physical health such as air pollution higher crime rates lack of green spaces insufficient access to health resources and less transportation making it difficult to attend the nearest hospitals
There are a lot of ways in which the government and local authorities are battling many of these issues that come from living in a deprived neighbourhood We heard about a community called Thornhill which had introduced several projects to help improve the health and wellbeing of the clients that live there Thornhill is an estate in Southampton it is regarded as a working class area as there are a high level of unemployment and people are on long term benefits The government awarded Thornhill and several other deprived neighbourhoods across England funding under the new deal for communities scheme This is where Thornhill Plus You was developed This is great example of how a neighbourhood is improving to help with the health and wellbeing of the residents The Open university 2014 K101 Block 2 Learning guide 6 identities communities and communication Milton Keynes The Open University Q2 Why might people who are socially excluded not access services For this assignment I will explain why people who are socially excluded might be unable to access services I will start by explaining the definition of social exclusion it is my understanding that social exclusion is a process in which different groups of people are conclusively denied full access to different rights opportunities and resources that are usually available to other groups and which are fundamental to social integration of human rights within the groups eg Employment housing and healthcare Groups that are socially excluded include people with a mental of physical illness people from different ethnic backgrounds people who are living in poverty immigrants the older generation homeless people people with learning difficulties asylum seekers refugees and disabled people
There are many different reasons why people might be socially excluded ie people who are living in poverty would find it difficult to access services as they live in less attractive areas with no access to jobs or transportation to local hospitals which result in people experiencing poor health people living in minority groups can also feel excluded they tend to be reluctant on trying to access services as they might feel their cultural needs are unmet And also a possible language barrier if english isn't their first language As we heard in the case of Simon a young man who s father had died a year ago Simon spends all day walking around his estate muttering to himself and drinking alone Most people on the estate avoid him and he is excluded from many activities There graffiti all over his flat and he doesn't appear to have any electricity If he was able to access service he could get in contact with a local Outreach team which would enable him to meet people and get the help and support to access services therefore preventing him from feeling totally excluded

We also saw the case of Mina who is a lady in her 30 s from Bangladeshi who's pregnant with her 3rd child and appears to be suffering from depression Mina speaks hardly any english so her husband has to be present when the community midwife visits so he he can translate for her Mina reports to feeling tired and withdrawn and struggling to care for her other 2 children she states she doesn't leave the house very often As they have only recently moved to the area and doesn't speak to any of the neighbours This shows how isolated that mina feels as she has no way of communication with other people around her therefore feeling socially excluded The Open university 2014 K101 Block 2 Learning guide 6 identities communities and communication Milton Keynes The Open University

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