308Marketing Article Assignment The article discusses how marketing organizations can effectively meet the challenges of the digital age Marketing organizations face great challenges in determining the strategy that best suits their organizational goals mainly because management is stuck with the question of how they should create a new structure instead of going the other way around namely that strategy precedes structure Their research across 10 000 marketing executives globally reveals that marketing is a very fluid function and virtually taps every other function and all employees in the organization right from a store clerk to phone center representatives to IT specialists and the marketing team itself High performing organizations possess some winning characteristics such as i integrating data on what customers do and why ii positioning their brand purposefully for its functional emotion and societal benefit iii delivering good customer experience both in breadth and depth These traits distinguish high from low performing firms The authors identify five drivers of organizational effectiveness such as creating interdependent global regional and local marketing team that have a shared purpose and goals indicating that marketing goals are aligned with company goals inspiring everyone from the lowest to the highest levels to engage with the brand experience the company creates so essentially everyone becomes a de facto member of the marketing team focusing on the right metrics and measuring brand success against key performance indicators
KPIs such as revenue growth and profit and tie incentives at the local level directly to the KPIs being agile enough to meet demand within a tighter time frame or even instantaneously if the need arises creating new marketing roles such as digital privacy analysts and native content editors to meet with the challenges of social and digital marketing and most importantly continuing to build capabilities by creating dedicated marketing programs for sharing expertise strategy and retail dynamics including reverse mentoring for senior executive who are less social media savvy than their junior colleagues The information stated and discussed in the article is valuable for all organizations small or big that not only want to create a rich brand legacy but also engage with their customers at all levels The advice that organizations must speak to and satisfy the fundamental human motivations is something that should work for all firms that have a product or service to sell Companies that endeavor to get everyone on the same page are at a greater chance of success such as Coca Cola Unilever Nike Visa Netflix Dulux Motorola and other examples cited in the marketing research A great example that comes to mind is Google Gmail which the company tested in beta mode for a very long time just so it could come up with features that customers liked and preferred to use In the company that I myself work with we are trying to forever create a digital savvy and nimble marketing team Graphic design is about combining texts images and symbols for ads books magazines and different types of digital media The concern is always to get new customers that like the work that the company produces and can bring repeat business as well as recommend our work to others We have designing software that enables our young designers to come up with amazing graphics that would be immediately attractive to the client However getting everyone on the same page can be difficult because many a time the management level persons who despite not being so digital savvy have redundant ideas on how to market the products Recently the company was not doing well in terms of revenue generated and so we had several brainstorming sessions on how to transform the marketing efforts