Essay Example on How to effectively communicate and advertise your product









There are multiple ways for our company to effectively communicate and advertise our product such as Digital OOH adverts Digital advertising is one of the latest trends in Pakistan For those who cross Najeeb Centre Allah Wali Chowrangi Karachi you must have noticed a gigantic screen located right above McDonalds This was a very smart move because the daily traffic of that route is commendable The road leads to the busy roads of Shara e Faisal Tariq Road Badurabadh Sindhi Muslim and other populated areas Secondly interactive visuals attract more individuals than plain old billboards even the ones in 3D Every time someone passes by the screen they tend to take at least one look at it to see what s trending Iconic mascot branding People tend to remember only the important things they want to keep in their memories You may not exactly remember what you did yesterday but you do remember the highlights of it because those are the moments you want to remember the day by Just like that some brands create iconic mascots using popular celebrities as brand ambassadors Outdoor branding at famous places The definition of outdoor branding has changed in recent times not only has the concept changed the dynamics of advertisement with it has changed as well We get to see colorful buildings with life size ads beautiful roundabouts covered with new displays every few days Social Welfare Campaign Marketing Recently bus stops and double decker busses have started advertising ads on them which people see when they drive by or when the bus drives by people Advertising Plan Our advertising plan would consist of all 4 of our methods first being the digital OOH it will be in central pakistan where all the traffic and people are 

The ad is also an interactive ad where customers can interact with our mascot The ad would display all the wonderful things about our product and show all the nutrients show how healthy it is for a growing child fast and convenient We will also have many ads around the country on double decker busses bus stops and famous locations around pakistan Goals Our goal for our product is making our product one of the most useful food products in pakistan Another goal is making customers choose our product over fast food Budget Our only income source is our sales from our product Our fixed costs are storage shipping and tariffs Some variable expenses will be shipping and transportation and Our predictions for one time spends are the machines we use to make the products Competitors Our competitors in pakistan are fast food chains and restaurants a little over 89 of the population prefers fast food over food you have to make and cook Target market Our target market are any genders 5 25 years of age On the go people Kid friendly to warm up Cheap Item Activity Description Target Dates 1 Create focus groups Budget planning Form focus groups with employees to decide when s the best time to advertise things and what to advertise January 2 Finalize campaign Details of confirming the exact date we start sending our product out Have set dates for our advertisements to air or be put up all around the Pakistan february 3 Product campaign opening party

Sending products out Having ads up Attracting customers to the product March 4 Special offers About a month or 2 after opening we will have special offers for our products to attract more traffic towards our products in the store which causes the store to import more of our products April 5 Trade shows Have our products appear in the pakistan home shows and trade shows so customers see and try our products May 6 Evaluation Start evaluating everything how the ads are doing how the special offers and shows are doing and re evaluate everything June 7 Promotional And wave or promotion to bring attention to our products July 8 Email advertising Start sending emails to customers to create internet traffic around our product August 9 Content Marketing Marketing our content is just looking around seeing how to attract more audience and retain the customers we have September 10 Online efforts evaluation Seeing what is working and what isn t working changing the things that aren t working October 11 

Promotional mailers Pakistan residence will receive our ads in the mail to create more traffic for our product November 12 Year end evaluation Collect all of our data from the whole year change the things that didn t work improve the things that did and add the ideas and new products we have for the new year Decmeber Export Transactions Shipping to Pakistan can be pretty costly as tariffs from Canada to Pakistan are 20 extra After you pay shipping and make our product an extra 20 can add up to a lot of money Pakistan is a developing country and is on its way to having an improving economy therefore demanding more imports from developed countries like Canada However developing countries don t have as many necessities as already developed ones Pakistan only as 29 airports making it harder to get goods imported and exported Canada has a total of 1400 just to put that into perspective Pakistan s roads aren t well paved making the transportation process even longer and more dangerous for the products

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