Essay Example on How To Quit Without Burning Bridges








New Year New Job How To Quit Without Burning Bridges Today is the first day back to work for most people and this can be an exciting time to set new goals for your career work harder or smarter or not put up with workplace drama For many people the New Year is also the time people think about changing jobs and starting fresh In January many people do resign and have been planning to leave their job for a long time but wait for year end bonuses to be paid out and the holidays to pass This means there is a lot of movement on the job front this time plus many companies have new budgets to add positions in January both of which translates to more job opening peaking late January and early February Once you have decided you are leaving what is the best way to leave without burning any bridges With social media the business community is very connected today so handle your resignation as carefully as you would handle any other business transaction It's always wise to avoid burning bridges You never know when you will need your past employers for a reference or you may even want to return to work there one day Follow these 9 steps to ensure you leave professionally without burning any bridges 1 Tell your boss in person and always put it in writing Don t tell your peers before your boss Word travels fast and you really don't want your boss to hear it from someone else it always seems to slip out when you don't want it to When you plan to resign set up a meeting with your boss and tell him or her in person and present a written resignation letter

A polished resignation letter not only is this professional but it will be the formal record you chose to leave the organization of your own accord Keep your message brief thank the employer for the opportunities you had during your time at the company and how the role has helped you Being positive this will ensure you have a better chance of getting a good reference 2 Give Appropriate Notice If you have an employment contract that states how much notice you should give abide by it Otherwise it's appropriate to give 2 weeks notice However in extreme cases such as harassment or dangerous or illegal activity you may be justified in leaving without notice 3 Do your homework Avoid surprises by reviewing all company policies such as bonus payouts that may be forfeited benefits reimbursements deadlines and life insurance transition windows Also review your employment contract so you know what your obligations are in regards to not working for competitors or bringing other employees along with you The last thing you want is to have to explain to your new employer you are being sued by your previous employer 4 Be prepared to leave right away Even if you give notice your employer may decide to waive the notice period and show you the door Before you turn in your resignation clean up your computer and desk Also back up your contacts you will need them and many employers will not give them to you if you were using their device

5 Don t Be Negative When you're talking about your resignation with co workers try to emphasize the positive and talk about how the company has benefited you even though it's time to move on This is especially important in an interview with a prospective employer Nothing turns an interviewer off faster than hearing how awful the person's last job or boss was 6 Do Offer to Help the Transition If it's realistic and you aren't going to a competitor offer to help train your replacement and be available for questions afterward Your boss may not take you up on it but the offer will be appreciated 7 Stay connected Before you leave take the time to send a goodbye and thank you note to co workers I also encourage people to write a simple post for LinkedIn and your other social media accounts saying something like you have decided to move on from your employer and you thank them for your time there and will miss they great friendships you have made please stay in touch This is also a great way for recruiters and other people in the industry to know what you may be available for opportunities

8 Ask for a Reference when you leave Before you leave ask for a reference letter from your manager As time passes and people move on it's easy to lose track of previous employers With a letter in hand you ll have documentation of your credentials to share with prospective employers 9 Provide Feedback Now that you have resigned and kept it professional leave on a positive note There is no point in telling your employer all the little things you didn't like or what they are doing wrong unless it is illegal unsafe or dangerous If you would like to provide candid feedback ask to do an exit interview and wait at least 30 days after you have left so you ve given enough time to pass that emotions have died down and you can think through Turning in your resignation isn't always easy even if you hate your job or boss and can't wait to start that new job As challenging as it may take the high road You will cross paths with many of these people again and even if you don't your reputation will

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