Essay Example on Human resource divisions are Changing








INTRODUCTION Human resource divisions are changing as the modern business faces various and complex difficulties The change in human resource today is an immediate call for the changes inside the organization because of the elements like Globalization In the increasing global competition decision making in the organization has become increasingly difficult The new global world has enlarged the talent pool for skilled and excellent workers and permanent and temporary flexible workers In this era of globalization an organization's talent can be the source of competitive advantage and can have a major impact on employee performance survival customer satisfaction and profitability Pfeffer 1994 the present company which is a manufacturing company intends to expand and increase further its international profile The major challenges for HR manager and HR function will be managing a workforce diverse in language skills culture and distributed in various countries It is important for the business to familiarize with local ways of doing business and understand the needs of local customers It will be the responsibilities of the HR managers to develop a global mindset among their employees Being at the Centre point of globalization MNC s should learn to incorporate diverse value systems and embrace shared global work to create an environment where employees can communicate and coordinate to achieve their shared objective Rosenblatt 2011 To do that the HR managers and HR function should take in to consideration the areas like an increasingly diverse workforce the need for continuous improvement in the company the employee demand for improved rewards and work life balance

DIVERSE AND INTERNATIONAL WORKFORCE Diversity is where difference is recognized and emphasized but not actively leveraged to drive organizational success CIPD 2018 The UK law principally in the Equality Act 2010 states that everyone has the right to be treated fairly CIPD research on psychological contract shows that employees want to feel valued at work and work for employers with good employment practices Inclusion is where difference is seen as a benefit to use and where differences and perspectives are shared leading to better decisions To be competitive organizations require everybody who works for them to make their best commitment Progressively business recognize the significance of diversity and inclusion in recruiting and retaining the skilled and talented employees they need and the significance of planning suitable and reasonable individual propositions to be successful Making open and inclusive working environment in which everybody feels valuable respect associates and where their contribution is recognized Mckinseys s research shows that gender diverse companies are 15 more likely to outperform their competitors and ethnically diverse companies are 35 more likely to do the same Forbes 2015 A diverse workforce can educate the advancement of new or upgraded products or administrations open up new market opportunities enhance market share and widen its customer bases However the individuals need to feel that they have a voice in the organization The Resourcing and Talent Planning 2017 survey has uncovered that in light of Brexit organizations are putting more effort on developing existing employees enhancing communications and opportunities to listen to employees and furthermore practicing more alert on recruiting CIPD 2018

The greatest challenges for the organizations in following three years will be harder competition for much qualified employees improvement of existing staff and increased difficulty in recruiting skilled and experienced staff The reduction in the employment of non Uk EU nationals in the UK is a major concern for the companies if the gap continues to worsen as Brexit continues it will be essential for the organizations to invest in the skills they need and retaining the talent for the future Organizations should along these lines stay alarmed to the potential changes and be coordinated in their reactions to continue attracting skilled employees and also retaining the existing talents The uncertainty caused by the UK's decision to leave the EU is already being felt by the human resource managers However when it comes to recruiting migrants the survey shows that the proportion of organizations recruiting EU migrants in 2017 are similar to that in 2016 The survey also says that the organizations will be enhancing the skills of existing employees to fill the important positions HR managers and HR function to advance diversity should concentrate on creating comprehensive ways to deal with work strategies and practices and individual behavior by managing equality and diversity issues in ways that support business settings and conditions For the organization to gain full benefit of diverse workforce a strategy should be formed to ensure that all the business practices and policies include the implications of diversity The strategy should be in line with the business goals The organization should not only consider the diversity in workforce but the diverse needs of the customers The focus should be on fairness and equality the only basis of recruitment should be merit potential and competence

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