Essay Example on Human resource employees are a key part of the strategic Plan









Human resource employees are a key part of the strategic plan in any company Once a company decides where they would like to go in the future the human resources department is the group responsible for providing the proper staff that can achieve the organization's goals To begin the human resource department must determine what positions will be required for the strategic plan to be successful Once the human resources branch lays abroad their timeline those must determine whoever in the business enterprise in the meantime desire match within current key roles This might also require definitive personnel after accumulating greater training combining yet dividing positions or absolutely rewriting positions Once these key positions are filled and reported to stand vacant Some concerning its positions might also in the meantime dwell between the organization and lie entirely comparable to as is currently existence committed hence those may want to stand understood by way of observing interviewing yet curious innovative employees among those positions 

Other positions might also require lookup yet asking outdoor businesses how many that take care of comparable positions This is where having a network of professionals in similar fields can be a huge asset If they do not have those relationships human resource managers could read job postings of positions that other companies are hiring for This would be a good way to understand what potential candidates would be expecting in a similar position as far as responsibility and even salary In 2003 the Chairman at Maersk sat down with the company’s 50 pinnacle managers then determined to group its recruiting and worker choices with the company's authorization vision values and goals In 2008 the HR branch used to be revamped down in imitation of 24 people from 87 then responsible because four very necessary tasks As Abott 2013 states number one is getting the right people in the right jobs at the right time for our top 1 000 employees Number two is leadership development because it drives business results Number three is differentiation in terms of rewards and pay for performance Groysberg Abbott 2013 The HR branch additionally carried out a modern talent administration manner that had 5 parts as had been attraction identification development deployment then scenario planning Groysberg Abbot 2013

When considering the growth the company was experiencing in comparison to the amount of turnover it had HR made a great decision to realign the company with key priorities as well as a talent management process Groysberg Abbot 2013 When it comes to inner and external hiring procedures within businesses they can at times share comparable processes Businesses with a sturdy dedication to their personnel often use internal strategies along with external techniques for identifying key expertise by using presenting promotional roles to internal applicants employers foster a feel of loyalty engagement and lengthy term pride through permitting increase from inside As far as external hiring procedures they use job postings and referrals but they also use social media online job sites advertisements etc When it comes to the hiring process for external hires they go through background checks and interviews When you are hired for a different position internally normally you just go through an interview process Maersk s focus was on building a comprehensive culture which meant hiring foreign employees to help run their global divisions to fill the cultural gap assimilating experienced hires to bring the technical knowledge that they needed due to growth and expansion that brought in fresh ideas innovative approaches and lessened training costs

They rehire former employees At one time Maersk had a no rehire policy but eventually revised it because of the value rehires brought to the company When reading the case study I would say that his approach would be a success When changes needed to be made he made them When he needed more experienced people he became open to rehiring past employees When the company was expanding globally he changed their culture and recruitment practices to In conclusion I've discussed Strategic Talent Management covering HR's strategic alignment with an organization's selection of the right people The topics I discussed were the HR roles within an organization and their importance of alignment to make it function the differences between internal and external recruiting and hiring the proper people for the company's visions and dreams Resources Groysberg B Abbott L S 2013 A P Moller Maersk Evaluating Strategic Talent Management Initiatives Harvard Business School Recruiting Internally and Externally 2016 September 29 Retrieved from Society for Human Resource Management https www shrm org resourcesandtools tools and samples toolkits pages recruitinginternallyandexternally aspx Singh D R 2013 Global Strategies in Human Resources C f Workplace Interviewer Snell S A Morris S S Bohlander G W 2016 Managing Human Resources 17th Edition Boston Massachusetts United States of America Cengage Learning

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