Essay Example on Human trafficking is one of the largest and most prevalent Issues








Human trafficking is one of the largest and most prevalent issues that affects all walks of life both domestically and internationally Human trafficking is not only a horrendous crime but a major human rights violation impacting public health Human trafficking is a form of modern day slavery Human trafficking is the taking of a person with the intent to exploit them through sexual exploitation forced labor slavery servitude or the removal of organs Some of the current US policy and legislation in use to combat human trafficking is the Trafficking Victims Protection Act of 2000 which is the cornerstone in human trafficking legislation that helped in the efforts against human trafficking The act combats trafficking domestically and abroad implementing harsh punishments by establishing trafficking as a federal offenses and mandating restitution to be paid to victims It also established the the Office to Monitor and Combat Trafficking in Persons that publishes yearly reports detail efforts taken to combat trafficking as well as the the Interagency Task Force to Monitor and Combat Trafficking which gives victims T visas allowing them and their family to become temporary residents in the US and eligible to be permanent residents three years after Those acts were strengthened with the Trafficking Victims Protection Reauthorization Act of 2008 that made more protection available with a T Visa and allowed for victims to sue their traffickers While these pieces of legislation are older they have made significant differences in curtailing human trafficking

More current legislation such as the 2015 Justice for Victims of trafficking Act this act appointed 11 human trafficking victims as members and allow for them to advise and make recommendations on policies dealing with trafficking The U S current operates under the idea of The 3P paradigm prosecution protection and prevention this is the framework used both in the US and internationally in order to combat human trafficking Prosecution focuses on law enforcement and seeking out the maximum amount of punishment and penalties for those who commit human trafficking crimes The Protection part of the framework take into account severity of crimes and attempts to get the largest possible amount of jail time and fines for criminals Protection focuses in on giving victims protection both on the short term and long term scale in order to ensure that they will be able to rebuild and continue on and flourish in life also allowing foreign nation victims to stay in the country Prevention focuses on changing laws and policies such as amending labor laws in attempt to dwindle the supply for human trafficking as well as urgin companies to look into their supply chains which could be involved in human trafficking As stated before human trafficking is the taking and use of people with the intent to exploit them through means such as sexual exploitation forced labor slavery servitude and by the removal of organs Human trafficking can affect any person anywhere at any time yet leaves multiple groups at higher risk for human trafficking Runaway homeless youth LGBT members migrant workers undocumented immigrants racial ethnic minorities those who struggle with substance abuse and others all tend to be at higher risk for becoming victims of human trafficking In order for human trafficking to be classified as a crime it must fit the three elements of human trafficking These three elements fall under 

Act Means and Purpose Act explains what is happening in this stage people are recruited taken possibly moved to another location and received by other traffickers or those who wish to exploit them Means is how the crime is done means mostly consists of abduction threats manipulation deception force and the like Purpose explains why it was committed which is the explicit intent to exploit the victim The International Labor Organization reported that in 2017 approximately 24 9 million people were victims of human trafficking with around 81 of victims falling under the category of forced labor and 19 falling under the category of sexual exploitation Out of the 24 9 million the demographics showed around 70 of women and girls were victims of trafficking and 30 of men and boys were victims of trafficking with 75 being over the age of 18 and 25 being under the age of 18 Within the United States there are approximately 600 800 00 victims of trafficking according to the US State Department with Asia pacific region accounting for the largest amount of victims internationally Human trafficking generates billions on earning with 2014 statistics reporting that Human trafficking earn profits of roughly 150 billion a year for traffickers While human trafficking create a giant profit according to the U S State Department Trafficking in Persons The number of prosecutions of human traffickers is alarmingly low with only 14 894 prosecutions and 9 071 convictions for trafficking globally in 2016 showing that there is still major steps to take in reducing and combating human trafficking domestically and internationally

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