Essay Example on Hydro Politics also often refers to water Politics









Hydro Politics also often refers to water politics is a kind of politics which is affected by availability of water resources within state or between states in case of transnational water bodies The term was first used in the book Hydro Politics of the Nile Valley Arun P Elhance s defines Hydro Politics as The systematic study of conflict and cooperation between states over water resources that transcend international borders Over the time and time Water bodies have been center of civilization as we see the first great civilizations grew around water bodies such as Nile Indus or Yellow Man s relation often to river is equal as frogs to the pond Water as an essential substance of life has been one of the most useful element such as for drinking Agriculture or even for strategic point of view in case of Sea politics due to trade routes But the importance of Fresh water resources always has prominent place in world politics because although world is covered more than 70 underwater bodies but out of those water bodies only less than 1 is suitable for living things which is in shape of glaciers Rivers or ponds The increasing needs of water for human population is becoming a serious issue since the world population is increasing rapidly 

World population at the beginning of 20th century was 1 650 million which has hit 7 052 million in 2012 and is expected to hit 9 725 million by 2050 This means that need of water will increase whereas freshwater resources are decreasing rapidly due to environmental complications specially global warming since weather patterns are changing globally with some places facing extreme hot or cold atmosphere This situation is expected to affect all states especially those states which are less developed and where less importance is given to environmental issues This is where issue rises between Pakistan and India two major states in South Asia with not so good past has fought 2 major and 1 big border conflict Kargil 1999 Although both states signed a treaty Indus water treaty in 1960 to resolve water distribution matters but due to increasing needs and to some extent India using water as a strategic political tool to pressurize Pakistan over several disputes specifically Kashmir The long lost unsolved partition agenda of 1947 This treaty faces danger With Hyper Nationalist government of Narendra Modi in New Delhi and recent threats delivered to Pakistan and often blocking the water of Pakistan It is expected that India would take the things into point of no return with interfering in Pakistan domestically by terrorism and globally by propaganda of portraying Pakistan as a terrorist state This kind of situation along with other reasons specially water would finally result in offensive action taken by Pakistan Depending on situation with strong military power Pakistan does hold capability to conduct such actions It s just a matter of time that the current situation to the decision makers in Pakistan is under control and they are trying to solve the crisis diplomatically with negotiations but its looks like India is not in a mood for serious talk over any issue even famous game of Sub Continent Cricket Such stubborn attitude at state level is not tolerable with offensive statements coming from India for e g we will break 

Pakistan or we will teach Pakistan a serious lesson results in negative and hostile public opinion which is usually anti Indian and results in demand to government to respond heavily although most of Pakistani politics is not shaped by anti Indian factor rather it is centralized on domestic issues unlike Indian politics where anti Pakistan sentiment is highly used for political gains but any Indian threat once highlighted on national level properly would result in hostile public reaction especially when the social and economical interest of the biggest market commodity Agriculture would be at stake 2 Data and methodology I have used the qualitative research technique for research work since strong evidences and logical reasoning is required for proving the hypothesis of my research paper The topic requires summary of state s possible future behavior in a certain situation which cannot be proved or justified without concrete evidence 3 Objectives of Research To highlight the importance about a matter of national security To show importance of Kashmir To show the importance of water in future To highlight a major upcoming problem for Pakistan To highlight the worst possible outcome of water crisis To highlight how neglected issues will create problems in future To give a possible solution to this situation 4

Hypothesis Hydro Politics between Pakistan and India is getting worst day by day as result of Global warming and increasing population needs which has resulted in water scarcity in Pakistan and as a possible result on this issue can be full fledge or limited war between Pakistan and India in Kashmir 5 Theoretical framework The appropriate theory for explaining the future proposed conflict will be of clash of civilizations by Samuel Phillips Huntington in which he explains that future conflicts will be fought over scarce water resources that are getting short day by day water which holds very vital significance in daily human life world population will hit 9 Billion in next 50 years This situation will force the nations to fight over resources more than ever One of the most important resources of that time or even present is freshwater resources According to research and figures Only 0 3 percent of freshwater is found in form of rivers lakes pounds etc Out of all the water Earth has More than 99 is unusable by living things Huntington also suggests that conflict will prevail mostly among those nations or border territories in which rivers passes through interstate borders If we look at Pak India history the water blockade by India after the partition of British India created direct threats to Pakistan's livelihood since most of the so

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