Essay Example on I am responsible for the Stock Controller Logistics









My Position and Company profile I will start with the company profile and introduce the role I held from beginning to end during the business simulation The company I attended is Ledge which products have a reputation in the market for being highly innovative and somewhat daring There an extensive range of partners and suppliers in raw materials software power supply and it expected delivery lead time to both Cache Cow and individual customers is a maximum 6 minutes I am responsible for the Stock Controller Logistics the aim of my role is to guarantee that there is enough stock to build the required quantity and types of products and there is sufficient inventory of finished products to deliver to customers on time 1 2 Formal and Informal Job Changes Since the worst case that has steadily been losing profit on the following day in the simulation thus the job changes strategy has arisen within our organisation Throughout I have engaged the role of Stock Controller as the formal job changes seeing that I am fully acquainted with the workload no matter procuring components from suppliers and dispatching finished products to customers 

The project involved personnel closely interlinked form across the whole company Considering that to raising the work efficiency and quantities in the mass As a result there is an informal job change I had on the last simulation day It is required not only secure high quality to finish my own work but also to assist Manufacturing Staff in manufacturing processes 1 3 Planned and Unplanned Main Changes Experienced by Organisation There are two primary changes by our organisation over the simulation period 3 days Above all change leaders as the development of the company was seriously impeded by unreasonable role assignments scheme Apparently the change leaders which are requested to ideally capable credible and committed based upon the urgency of change In the next importance both strategic planning and operating mode as the planned changes which according to focus on the research effort in the various periods and mapped out an efficient strategy 2

Question 1 2 1 Introduction In the light of previous study and the period of simulation experienced has drawn public attention that strategy change is a significant change in management process The most vital contextual factors which can affects team performance have been regarded as strategy change all the time Williams Parker Turner 2010 In this part will first analysis the role of strategy planning And then describe the causes and effects of external and internal of the change of strategy by using fishbone and stakeholder analysis theory Finally the effectiveness of the organisation in managing the change of strategy will be discussed 2 2 Internal Causes of the Strategy Change 2 2 1 Lack Communication and Chaos Environment A reported indicated that the company has to have the ability to promote and maintain large scale change and to forecast and adapt to an increasingly volatile environment Bhalla et al 2011 p 3 As you can see the change and innovation of business are essential especially for Strategy The organization should achieve a fit between its external environment and internal structures culture and practice to decide what form of strategy will be adopted Burnes 2004 p 245 Looking back on the last 3 simulation days firstly the table 1 Fishbone below demonstrated that one of a major internal reason of strategy change is lack of communication and Chaos environment On the day one there is only a meeting between leader and managers and no any interflow between leader and staffs As a result some of the individuals have unclear job content and the company strategic objective The stressful and Chaos environment result in low efficiency operation for the whole enterprise 

2 2 2 Ineffective Organizational Structure Layout and Role Definition The company will be rent by disunity if it without organizational structure Besides the constituent structure is unreasonable it is the difficult problem that will seriously hinder the normal operation of enterprises and even lead to complete failure of a business In contrast suitable and efficient organizational structure has positive influences on maximizing to release the energy of business and enable the organization better to play a synergistic effect An article argued that the Poor quality resources have limited opportunities owing to the low quality as sure as a gun however high quality resources will be seized of hold broader opportunities and it may restrict by other potential factors Hence strategic opportunities for the future largely depend on effectively ways on the existing circumstances actuality of the organization Winter 1987 Nelson 1991 Through the first two simulation days there is undefined organization structure and layout On the one hand the shortage of quantity for the manufacturing staffs which have to lead to reduce production efficiency waste production costs and cannot complete the order on time On the other hand the Research Development specialist in our company has incapable to innovate and develop new products Not only they lack the ability to market modification but also made the narrow product mix 2 2 3 Ignore Safety of Material and Invalid Inventory Information The ABC classification demand forecasting algorithms and replenishment policies are three key factors to achieve the effective inventory management D Plinere L Aleksejeva During the process of three simulation days there are invalid inventory data due to the worse interflow between manufacturing manager and stock controller It played a negative role in materials requirement budget The whole manufacturing sector has inadequate understand the usage method and safety performance of batteries materials Ultimately all the elements have led to unqualified products and exploded in Harrods

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