Essay Example on I chose Implementing a pediatric fall prevention policy and Program








I chose this one in particular because I had a fall incident occur with my son during our stay at a pediatric hospital so this was of particular interest to me The ACE model was used as a tool for an evidenced based clinical practice guideline with a goal of preventing pediatric falls from occurring The purpose was to seek out the pediatric portion of patients that are at risk for falls and to apply a fall prevention program to those who are at risk Discovery research creates a frame of research about scientific and clinical summary In order to understand the connotation of a particular research it's imperative to recognize and comprehend the primary research studies that the evidence based practice was based upon This stage builds the corpus of research about clinical activities With pediatric patients at a high risk for injury due to falls The Joint Commission recommends each hospital have a method of identifying and screening children at risk Rouse et al 2014 as cited in Murray Vess Edlund 2016 The purpose of evidence summary is to integrate the body of research knowledge into a significant and expressive statement of the state of the science State of Texas University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio n d For this article is was looking at other research methods to support the prevention of falls in regards to the pediatric patient population

The purpose of this project was to implement a pediatric fall prevention program and policy on an inpatient pediatric unit with a goal to decrease pediatric falls The specific clinical question asked was Will increasing staff awareness of pediatric patients at risk for falls through the implementation of an evidence based pediatric fall prevention program and policy decrease the rate of falls for the inpatient pediatric population Murray 2016 The Humpty Dumpty Fall Scale was the only instrument to correctly identify all of those at high risk for falls within the sample and was the only instrument to identify the very high risk fallers Harvey et al 2010 Other studies also showed that using the Humpty Dumpty Fall Scale on admission made increased the staff's awareness of patients who were at a higher risk of falls Translation to guidelines focuses on integrating a specific plan and focusing on that one tool or plan The Plan Do Study Act PDSA cycle served as the framework for this project Murray et al 2016 After using this tool results are reviewed and then action is taken based upon what was learned from the results The trial was held on 6 beds in a pediatric and PICU unit 

Once a policy and plan were in place the first step was education of all RN staff on use of the Humpty Dumpty Fall Scale tool and fall prevention interventions Murray 2016 Practice integration is exactly what it says It focuses on integrating and implementing newly discovered healthcare and safety innovations into the actual clinical setting Education and training was given to RN s including in house training and documentation in the EMR as well as diagrams being set up on their units for the RN s to utilize Guidelines stipulated that the Humpty Dumpty Fall Scale risk assessment tool was completed on admission at least once a shift and as needed for any change in patient status and post fall Murray 2016 In utilizing these methods for change its enabling a faster rate of adoption of innovation through organizational practices Process outcome and evaluation the endpoints and outcomes are evaluated data is analyzed and researchers are able to reflect on how successful their studies were There were no falls on the pediatric unit between January and June 2016 resulting in the fall rate per 1 000 patient days at 0 compared with a 4 5 per 1 000 days for the unit between January and June 2015 Murray 2016 Statistical data shows that the study and program yielded to be successful Like all studies whether successful or unsuccessful there were restrictions in the program in that the program wasn't accepted throughout the entire hospital on all pediatric units as well as not a very large sample 6 beds The program also proved the pediatric nurses pivotal role in the prevention of patients who are at high risk for falls References State of Texas University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio n d School of Health Professions University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio Retrieved January 22 2018 from http nursing uthscsa edu onrs starmodel star model asp Murray E Vess J Edlund B 2016 Quality improvement Implementing a pediatric fall prevention policy and program Pediatric Nursing 42 5 256 259

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