Essay Example on I read was named Finding Out What's Under Second Base by Lex Urban








The first essay that I read was named Finding Out What's Under Second Base by Lex Urban This essay was more audience centered than other essays that I have read because the author made an attempt to form a connection with his audience by telling a story that most people could relate to He compelled us as an audience to continue reading his essay by telling of a time when he was younger and his teammate displayed a value in which the author continues to live through even today The Virtues of the Quiet Hero by John McCain is the next essay that I read I was intrigued by this essay not only because it was written by Senator John McCain but because he shares such a deep belief and emphasis on something that he learned so early in his life Even in the toughest of situations he believed that if he were to abide to that way of life then he could live a fulfilled and dignified life Furthermore I feel as if this is a desired state of thought for everyone and that is how Senator McCain involves his readers Lastly I read Leave the Light On by Marianne Rogowski This is a very compelling essay to read because she begins her essay by telling a story about a meaning of an object She shares a deeper meaning expressed within a light being left on at home for children As she explores this deeper meaning it really makes readers interested in how something as simple as a parent leaving a light on for their children can mean so much more Overall this essay could have an effect on how people raise their children just by doing simple things such as leaving a light on and letting them know they will always be welcomed at home 2 My favorite essay that I read was Finding Out What's Under Second Base

The belief of this essay is not to care what people think of you He believes that you should follow your heart in any situation even if people believe that what you re doing is wrong The first belief in this essay was presented following the story that he told at the beginning The author gave an introduction to the theme of finding out what's under second base then he determined the deeper meaning of the situation 3 Finding Out What's Under Second Base started by telling a story about the author getting his first hit in Little League baseball and instead of running to third base his teammate decided to look under second base The body of the essay begins by the author explaining what it truly means to him to look underneath second base The next body paragraph tells another story of the author deciding to work in community service despite having opportunities to work at other high paying jobs simply because of his beliefs He told of the impact that he made in a child's life as a math tutor Later in the conclusion of the essay he reflects on the lesson that he learned about looking under second base and how he to this day applies it to his conflicted adult life The organization of this essay is great because of the constant reminder of his belief and the fluidity of how his main points are presented He presented a timeline from the time he was five until current day and how the same theme stuck with him throughout I believe that the use of a timeline in the organization of this essay really demonstrated the power of the message he was trying to convey In the essay there is more storytelling than comment 

The content was very effective because the stories demonstrated his belief and his comments following the stories about his belief made the stories even more powerful All in all he perfected his use of content because he used comment only when it was necessary to explain his point but also allowed the readers to think for themselves when explanation was not needed The author was very articulate in the way he used language in the essay For example Apparently the mystery that had plagued kids for centuries what could possibly be hiding underneath second base could be misinterpreted by someone unfamiliar with baseball because they may not understand that this is an actual mystery to some people Without this sentence some people could have been confused from the start of the essay had they not known that there was a hole under second base He made sure that he was understood by his audience because his belief could potentially be missed if his language was off 4 One aspect that I believe makes an effective This I Believe speech is the presentation of a story that can help draw a connection to the belief that you are presenting This is important because it helps give your speech a sense of direction and it should be the point where you get the attention of your audience After presenting the beginning story your audience should feel like they are a part of the story The other aspect that I believe makes an effective This I Believe speech is the explanation of how you live by your belief and when you have used your belief to better yourself There should be a paragraph that gives and example of how you have used your belief in the real world

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