Essay Example on I was convicted for first degree Murder









I was convicted for first degree murder Narrator On August 5th of 2003 a 911 call has been reported gunshots in Tahoe City California 911 operator 911 whats your emergency Witness I heard uhh gu gunshots I think my my neighbor has been shot Narrator Police had found the perpetrator 32 year old Annie Johnson trying to flee the scene while her 58 year old husband Matthew Locus was left bleeding to death Matthew had collapsed on his kitchen floor There was an extensive amount of blood Annie claimed the shooting was an accident but evidence contradicted her story Is Annie Johnson guilty of intentional murder or has she caused a cold blooded accidental murder Patricia Burrey Annie s grandmother Annie was outgoing everyone around her would always see her smiling She was everybody s sweetheart Narrator Annie Johnson was born in Cheyenne Wyoming She was the only child of her parents Sam Johnson and Maryanne Johnson Annie was just 7 years old when her parents filed for divorce and Annie s mother remarried several times After years of abuse from her mothers drinking as well as her recent boyfriends addiction Annie was taken to live with her grandparents Annie My grandparents pretty much raised me And my mother remarried a total of 5 times Gloria Flores Annie s friend Annie had a lot of stepdads her own mom was more of a friend than a mother Narrator Under the care and protection of her grandmother Annie grew up with fun loving care Hailey Mcilroy Annie s Highschool friend Annie was a big time joker she would always do crazy things Narrator But Annie s actions started to become too much Annie wasn t hanging around the right crowd which led to underage drinking Annie 

My drinking addiction started when I was 16 just partying and having fun Patricia Burrey Annie s grandmother Annie grew up watching her mother drink and I drank There was always alcohol around Narrator Annie met and started dating Matthew when she worked at a local bar at the age 24 Being a significant amount older than Annie her family refused marriage Ignoring her families wishes Annie rushed marrying Matthew Locus at age 25 and moved in with him Annie I loved Matthew he did everything for me I was looking for love and I believe I found it with him Patricia Burrey Annie s grandmother Annie fell in love all the time she was an extremely beautiful girl and got attention by the whole city of Tahoe She fell in love with anyone that gave her any kind of attention Narrator Annie s marriage was not as she thought Matthew himself had have several drinking problems as well as domestic abuse incidence in the past But Annie continued to accept his abuse later on Annie Matthew had treated me right until our fourth year of marriage That was when his drinking had become extremely abusive He would say things to me referring me as a whore he would hit me on my back with a wooden stick he would pull my hair hit my face He would even threaten to kill me and my family if I ever told So I never told anybody Narrator Annie had refused any intentional harm to Matthew With collecting evidence such as blood fingerprints and research we were able to identify the crime scene itself With Matthews self destructive behavior and constant mood swings we believed that would end in a disaster After just a month later of constant abuse Matthew came home from work and was in the living room watching his show with a bottle of vodka in his left hand and a glass in the other Annie claimed that when he got home he demanded something to eat on her way to the kitchen he had grabbed her arm and pulled her down to his face 

She could smell the intense amount of alcohol he had been drinking that evening he then pushed her away as hard as he could causing her her stubble on the carpet floor When she had served Matthew his plate he was passed asleep slouched over on his reclining chair mouth open as he deeply inhales and exhales causing him to only choke on his own saliva Annie saw an opportunity to escape her marriage she ran back into her bedroom and grabbed the gun she had stored in there for emergency break ins When she was ready she pulled the gun back causing Matthew to wake up in anger Annie When he was woken up he stood at 6 2 in complete anger he was uncomprehending of what was happening He grabbed me by the neck and pushed me down causing me to dropped the gun Fearing what he would do if he laid his hands on that weapon I ran to the kitchen and grabbed a skillet and smashed his head so hard the handle had broken off When he was on the ground in the kitchen I grabbed the gun and intended to shoot his leg but his arm had grabbed my leg causing me to move the gun upward and shot him right in the heart Narrator When police fled the scene they saw Matthew on the floor in the kitchen bleeding out with blunt force trauma to the left side of his skull and two shootings in one his right leg and his heart causing him to die instantly Annie was charged with first degree murder and sentenced life in prison with no possible way of parole

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