Essay Example on Idea of Molecular Gastronomy








Idea Generation Ooho sphere idea was basically generated at London by SKIPPING ROCKS LAB in 2014 on the basis of idea of molecular gastronomy When this idea was launched it created a sensation on the internet This idea was generated to solve the problem of disposable plastic bottles in landfills in U K alone around 16 million bottles are used at a daily basis whereas another 19 million bottles are recycled These plastic bottles are non biodegradable as it uses oil to manufacture The company thought that it can solve the problem of plastic bottles by introducing 200 milliliter bottle but it can be released in 2016 The got the idea of 200 millilitre bottle because of all the bottled water sold roughly 1 3 bottles are either half litre or less Source http www independent co uk This image depicts how much time it takes to decompose a plastic bottle and data showing fish to plastic ratio by 2050 and how much CO2 is emitted per bottle The new packaging is based on the technique of spherification which is also used to make fake caviar and juice balls for boba tea In order to make these balls you need to dip an ice ball into calcium chloride and brown algae extract which is totally edible hygienic and biodegradable This is where a spherical membrane is formed that holds the ice as it melts and then leftover to return to room temperature When people try it for the first time they want to eat it because it s part of the experience says Pierre Paslier cofounder of Skipping Rocks Lab How is it made Ooho spheres are created by dipping ice balls into algae mixture of sodium alginate that forms a membrane around the ice The ice then melts into water and the membrane remains in the same shape The membrane algae mixture makes a watertight seal around the ice ball keeping the water inside the ball The membrane is edible as well as biodegradable

These edible water balls can be consumed in 2 ways 1 You can consume it whole i e you can consume the entire ball with membrane itself 2 You can bite the membrane and drink the water and throw away the membrane This Concept created an internet hype as it is a no plastic need concept Skipping Rocks is currently fundraising online having already doubled its target with nearly 1 000 independent investors contributing money to the company Manufacturing process 1 Dissolve Sodium Alginate in water 2 Dissolve Calcium Lactate in separate bowl 3 Transfer Sodium Alginate to Calcium Lactate bath 4 Stir the solution gently for few minutes 5 Transfer water balls to water bowl 6 Edible water balls are ready Costing About 50 billion Plastic bottles are made from 17 million barrels of oil which incurs a huge cost whereas these edible water bottle can be made at the cost of just 2 cents At some point where you don t use plastic bottles and throw it away for recycling which do not happen for about half of them creates a huge waste whilst these Ooho balls are edible and biodegradable takes about 1 5 to 2 weeks does not creates any waste hence environment friendly and does not has any recycling charges Therefore in comparison to plastic bottles these edible water bottles are a good and pocket friendly idea Problems faced by Skipping Rocks Lab But there are few problems with this concept Skipping Rocks Lab s current mission is to make Ooho attached to every outdoor event such as marathons festivals and other events in which serving drinks without waste generation but right now the main problem Skipping Rocks Lab face is of the wider picture of removing plastic as the membrane is very thin which makes it impossible to carry it in your bag

And since the company Skipping Labs sees future possibility of selling it at every grocery store which means it will require an outer packing to be sold which will totally negate its packing free or plastic free mission Problem solving ideas 1 In order to solve the problem of thin membrane the company should opt for a thicker membrane as it is biodegradable and consumable it will not create any wastage 2 For solving the problem of packaging there is no need for any packaging i e it can be manufactured at the outlets where the Ooho spheres can be sold Conclusion The problems being there it is still a cool idea and could replace disposable plastic cups at every outdoor events and every sports venue but others saying that it is impossible to replace plastic bottles with edible bottles it s definitely a great idea to ignore it In order to see the video related to Ooho please click the following link https www youtube com watch v 424wmHV_JtM

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