Essay Example on In the modern world sport is becoming an integral part of Politics








In the modern world sport is becoming an integral part of politics an instrument for building a positive image of the state Organizations involved in the management of physical culture and sports in Russia can be divided into two groups governmental state and non governmental public In the definition and making of sports policy as well as in its implementation a huge role is played by both governmental and non governmental sports organizations In each of these groups there are three levels federal regional and municipal local The main governmental organization in Russia is the Ministry of Sport of the Russian federation The Ministry of Sport is the supreme state executive authority responsible for inter sectoral coordination and functional regulation in the field of physical culture and sports at the federal level as well as developing and implementing measures for their development Its main tasks are implementing of government policy and legal regulation conducting activities to promote physical culture sports and a healthy lifestyle development and implementation of state programs for physical education of the population development of material and technical base managing public property in the area of sport and physical fitness the implementation of activities for the organization and conduct of interregional and all Russian official events the Olympic Games championships and cups of the world Europe and other international sports competitions on the territory of the Russian Federation providing state services including anti doping measures check in subordinated organizations of financial and economic activity

As we can see the Ministry of Sport of the Russian Federation plays an important role in making sport policy in Russia and implementing it into life Let's consider All Russian Public Organization The Wrestling Federation of Russia WFR as a non governmental sports organization The Federation is a member of Russian Olympic Committee and it unites three kinds of Olympic wrestling Greco Roman Wrestling Freestyle wrestling and Freestyle women's wrestling The goals of the Federation are the development of wrestling its propaganda the organization of sports events and training of the athletes The tasks of the Federation are promotion of the development of mass sports in Russia the development of wrestling among children and youth development of relations with international sports organizations participation in Russian and international sports events and sports competitions in wrestling implementation of the FILA policy in the Russian Federation The Ministry of Sport of Russian Federation has a huge impact on the activity of non governmental sport organizations on all levels including the all Russian Public Organization Federation of the WFR Russian championships all Russian sports competitions and interregional sports competitions are held on the basis of the order of the Ministry of Sport of the Russian Federation on state accreditation of the All Russian Public Organization Federation of the WFR and in accordance with the rules of the sport sports wrestling approved by the order of the Ministry of Sport of Russia from 23 July 2014 No 616

The Ministry of Sport of Russia and the WFR determine the conditions for holding sporting events in wrestling The final results and reports of the competitions on paper and electronic media are submitted to the Ministry of Sport of Russia Athletes teams trainers of athletes and coaches winners in each type of the program of sports competition are awarded diplomas medals and memorable prizes by Ministry of Sport of Russia The Ministry of Sport of Russia provides financial support for sports competitions in accordance with the Procedure for financing from the federal budget and the rates of expenditure for sports events included in the unified calendar of interregional All Russian and international physical culture events and sports events 50 of the budget of WFR are covered by the Russian Ministry of Sports The federal standard of sports training for Greco Roman wrestling is developed in accordance with the order of the Ministry of Sport The Russian Ministry of Sport and the WFR closely cooperate with each other At a recent meeting on 9 November dedicated to the development of wrestling in Russia the Minister of Sports Pavel Kolobkov called for an analysis of the situation in wrestling and the most effective solutions to eliminate problems

The meeting was aimed at coordination of the work of the Federal Ministry of Sport and the WFR with regional ministries and federations in order to further develop the wrestling in Russia and successfully perform at the most important competitions The Minister of Sports noted that the WFR is one of the most active federations it cooperates with the international federation and its representatives have many proposals for developing the wrestling in Russia In the near future a joint working group of the Ministry of Sport of Russia and the WFR will be established The Minister of Sport also noted that the WFR must develop and approve clear criteria for selecting athletes for the world and European championships As we see from above data the Ministry of Sport of Russia plays a huge role in the activities of the WFR But along with the advantages that the state gives to public sports organizations there are some negative factors In the light of the recent events related to the use of doping during the 2014 Olympic Games the Ministry of Sport as a governmental organization played a negative role If sport was run by public organizations without the participation of the state there would be no accusations that everything that happened was done with the acknowledgement and consent of state bodies

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