Essay Example on In Their Eyes Were Watching God Hurston uses lots of Characterization








In Their Eyes Were Watching God Hurston uses lots of characterization and figurative language to give the reader an inside on Janie's feelings and surroundings In chapter the way the men focus of Janie s physical features and women criticize Janie s hygiene and looks allows the reader to make an image of how Janie looks The men were saving with the mind what they lost with the eye and the women took the faded shirt and muddy overalls and laid them away for remembrance this also shows how the women were going to keep that image of Janie in their head to hold over her Hurston 2 Janie has a love for nature the figurative language and metaphors allows the reader to understand Janie and her connections with nature Hurston uses the pear tree in the backyard to show how Janie felt free and relaxed when she was surrounded by nature When Janie saw the tree it called her to come and gaze on a mystery allowing her to feel free under the cool shade of the tree Hurston 10 The story is also filled with metaphors one example was how Janie saw her life like a great tree in leaf with the things suffered things enjoyed things done and undone Hurston 8 One of the biggest use of figurative language expressed in the story is shown by Janie and Tea Cake s love for each other Tea Cake make Janie feel the love she was always searching for even if Tea Cake was younger than her he had shown her that it's the thought that makes the difference in ages love could be felt no matter what age they were Hurston 115 Janie was so in love with Tea Cake that when he died she got rid of everything that reminded her of him except a packet of golden seeds

Once she was back home she meant to plant them for remembrance and so use as a symbol of all the love her and Tea Cake shared together Hurston 191 Their Eyes Were Watching God is written in third person omniscient because Janie is sitting down telling Pheoby her story and then the reader is reading it as if Pheoby were the one telling it Although the story is written in third person the reader is still able to know what Janie is feeling and thinking Hurston also organized the novel as a frame novel where the first and last chapters frame the story Janie is telling Pheoby for example the books like Wonder and the Bible are also written with a frame structure At the end of the first chapter Pheoby doesn t understand why Janie is back so Janie tells her tain't no use in me telling you something unless Ah give you the understanding to go long wit it emphasizing that if Janie was gonna tell her what happened she must start from the beginning Hurston 7 The reader can also see the frame structure since in chapter one Janie asks Pheoby to hand her a wet rag on a chair to scrub her feet Hurston 5 Then later on in chapter 20 the reader sees how the story returns back to the present tense once Janie stirred her strong feet in the pan of water reflecting back to chapter one Hurston 191 Another way readers can see the structure of the story is by comparing the way Pheoby feels about Janie coming back towards the beginning of the novel to the way she feels after hearing Janie s story At the beginning

Pheoby feels bad and is kinda angered at Janie for leaving but she doesn't quite understand why Janie came back However after hearing Janie talk she feels like she done growed ten feet higher from just listening she even expressed that she will stick up for Janie if she heard anyone criticizing her Hurston 192 Finally Janie calls in her soul to come and see the life she had been through Hurston 193 Like many novels Their Eyes Were Watching God got many of critiques by readers everywhere one of them being Sheila Hibben s After reading Hibben s critique I agree with the statements she makes Hibben s talks about how Tea Cake and Janie's relationship was different from the others When Janie was with Mister Killicks she didn't care about his land and his sagging belly and his toenails that looked like mules feet she wanted love not material things Janie wasn't pleased with all the nice things she could obtain from marrying Mister Killicks she was looking for the happiness love would give her not what Killicks had This can also explain why Janie ran away with Joe Starks Janie was enticed with Starks words and thought that he could be the one that could give her the love she was searching for However she was not happy with being the mayor's wife that just did what Starks told her to do Janie did not feel love until as Hibben s describes Tea Cake came along with his trampish clothes and his easy way and his nice grin allowing Janie to fall for him Even if Tea Cake was younger he made her feel something she never had before love

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