Essay Example on Indian’s view about Doctor in case of any health Issues








Indian’s view about Doctor in case of any health issues are Delusion of godliness But they are not God The most believable person and the place in the world from the eyes of common public in case of raise any health issues are the Doctors and the hospital Before the discovery of modern medicine life was fleeting for humans The environment was replete with unseen dangers in the form of disease and medical conditions Then medical practice changed into an organized profession and humans experienced a significant improvement in the quality of life Thus Medicine bridges the gap between science and society Indeed the application of scientific knowledge to human health is a crucial aspect of clinical practice Doctor is a person who dedicates his knowledge and skills for the prevention and treatment of diseases maintain and enhance human health

He is the one of the important agent through which that scientific understanding is expressed So Doctors services stands as the basis for best health care services The main purpose of the study was to analyse the dimensions from the patients view to monitor the doctor and medical care services The researcher has used a validated inpatient satisfaction questionnaire to evaluate the doctors and hospital services received from patients admitted in the selected hospitals The objective of this study was to analyse the dimensions monitoring doctor and medical care services Healthcare industries have seen recent movements towards continuous quality improvement and this has gained momentum since 1990 and according to Donabedian s declaration for incorporating patient perception on medical care services mainly focusing on Doctors Services Patient satisfaction is valid indicator for measurement of Hospital services Patient s opinions are important because dissatisfaction suggests opportunities for improvement of health services in the hospital The healthcare managers that endeavor to achieve excellence take patient attitude into account when designing the strategies for improvement of services In 1996 evaluation of patient satisfaction was obligatory in all hospitals Recently the healthcare regulators shifted towards a market driven approach of turning patient satisfaction surveys into a quality improvement tool for overall organizational performance Thus Quality improvement of services has to start with betterment of service delivery from doctors Health World Health Organization's WHO has defined health as a state of complete physical mental and social well being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity Patient There is considerable lack of agreement about the precise meaning of the term patient It is diversely defined by different experts with different perspectives 

To illustrate Patient is a person who requires medical care A person receiving medical or dental care or treatment A person under a physician's care for a particular disease or condition A person who is waiting for or undergoing medical treatment and care An individual who is receiving needed professional services that are directed by a licensed practitioner of the healing arts toward maintenance improvement or protection of health or lessening of illness disability or pain Health Care services It refers to the services offered by the hospitals in the prevention treatment and management of illness and preservation of mental and physical well being of the human beings Hospital A Hospital is a place for the treatment of human illness and restoration of health and well beings of those temporarily deprived off A healthcare service is provided by the coordinated efforts of doctors paramedical staff nurses technicians supportive and administrative workers to the people suffering from physical mental and social aliments Medical care Services It is a term that refers to hospital and surgical services and the supporting laboratories equipment and personnel that make up the medical and surgical mission of a hospital or hospital system Attitude It refers to the behaviour of patient it states the mental position or a feeling or emotion towards the fact ROLE OF DOCTOR IN A HOSPITAL Decision Maker Given the right climate Involving Non technical staff Satisfying patients Aware of medical emergencies Hospitalization Episode Doctors are bound by rules of conduct To Study the inpatients personal profile in the Study area

To identify the level of satisfaction on the medical care services To know the dimensions influencing the patients to monitor the Doctors services To suggest suitable measures to improve the services rendered by the multispecialty hospitals of Trichy to the immediately admitted populace Medical field is the evergreen field that plays a major task by contributing its services in eradicating the diseases and contributing its major part of income towards the national growth The health sector occupies an enormously important position in ensuring sustainable overall socio economic progression in developing countries But Today is the competitive world where the hospital to endure has to influence the patients Patient satisfaction represents a key indicator for the quality of health care delivery and this internationally accepted factor needs to be studied for smooth working of the health care systems The patient will be satisfied only if their outcome is more So to increase the patient outcome doctor has to play a key role Thus the dimensions that influenced the patient's attitude towards doctors services and medical care services are focused in this study Research Design Descriptive and Analytical study Sample Size The sample size for the study is 748 respondents selected on the basis of Convenient Random Sampling Method from the patients of 5 selected Multispecialty Hospitals of Trichy Sources of Data For the purpose of the study Primary data has been collected using a well structured Questionnaire and secondary data has been collected from published research articles books and magazines Online and Offline Journals Tools for analysis The Primary data collected have been analysed and interpreted using simple frequencies percentages Chi Square test ANOVA Mean Standard Tree Structured Analysis and frequency percent were used to present descriptive statistics

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