Essay Example on Inspired by the 1931 Scottsboro trial To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee









Inspired by the 1931 Scottsboro trial To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee dives deep into justice and courage The strength portrayed here vary in size and intensity so it shows one a wide range of application of the two concepts From smaller battles expressing self control to saving two lives and the trial of a doomed innocent man To Kill a Mockingbird gets readers to truly think about the applications of justice and courage in life Harper Lee opened our minds to the idea of a deeper story behind the actions of an individual with Ms Dubose She constructed the character of the old woman using words tailored to make us dislike her Her antagonistic actions toward Jem and Scout cemented our idea that Ms Dubose was a bad guy in the scheme of this story Atticus however shows us that she is actually very brave Atticus said I wanted you to see what real courage is It s when you know you re licked before you begin but you begin anyway and you see it through no matter what She was the bravest person I ever knew 149 She had the strength to fight her addiction despite having the knowledge that she would die and without the pain medication she had become addicted to it would be a painful way to go Continuing on in the face of defeat is the true meaning of courage that is what can be learned from Ms Dubose and Atticus response Boo Radley is an excellent character that displays courage When his brother Mr Nathan Radley moves into the Radley house Boo is never seen 

This results in turning the Radley house into a prison for Boo Despite being under lock and key Boo still manages to act courageous To protect of care for Jem and Scout Boo goes out of his house The gifts left in the hollow in the tree the sewn pants giving Scout the blanket on the night of the fire All of those actions were courageous in their own way However the most undeniably brave act happened at the end of the book Bob Ewell the father of Mayella Ewell has never cared for Atticus Finch which was evident when he openly threatening to kill him At the end of the book Scout and Jem are attacked In the process of trying to escape Jem breaks his arm but is carried to safety by Boo Radley Mr Tate finds Bob Ewell dead and says He s good and dead He won t hurt these children again 358 This informs us that Bob Ewell was in fact the man that attacked and meant to kill the children Mr Tate implies though never outright says that Boo was the one who saved the children and in the scuffle with Ewell caused Ewell to fall on his own knife Instead of sharing that information and making Boo a hero he keeps it quiet Boo valued his privacy and if the town knew of his courageous actions they would be knocking on his door bringing angel food cakes 369 Boo is an excellent example as a brave person defending the people they care for Racial inequality and a swayed Alabama jury lead for a formidable trial where guilt was already decided but that did not stop the awe inspiring defense of Atticus Finch 

From the very beginning when Atticus explained to Scout why he decided to defend Tom Robinson he knew they had been licked a hundred years before we started 101 Despite that Atticus had to go on The moral compass of Atticus Finch was a strong one that wouldn t allow him to let an innocent man go without a proper defense Knowing that Calpurnia trusted Tom Robinson and after hearing Tom s side of the story he had to belief that Tom Robinson was an innocent man His defense despite being futile to an all white jury in 1930s Alabama was well written and presented Atticus put the need to fight for justice before everything else even though his fellow townsmen were urging him not too in a not always passive way He continued even though he knew that he would not succeed and in doing so he showed true courage Harper Lee demonstrated many forms of courage and justice throughout the book To Kill a Mockingbird Some were more obvious than others but even the small ones had great impact on the story Mrs Dubose fought for herself to control her addiction before her death Boo Radley fought for Jem and Scout he showed them kindness and protection even though he was trapped as well Lastly Atticus Finch he fought for justice despite knowing he had no chance of winning he still gave it his all and didn t submit to the crushing judgement of his peers Every person has the ability to show courage it just takes strength to be able to do so In the end of us all we will be remembered for our courage to fight for ourselves our friends and for the justice

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